
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 7, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 7 - The Couple, Two, Tree Things I Use for Gaming

When I originally moved into northeast Pennsylvania, I cringed when I heard the bastardization of English known as "NEPAnese," the concept of "a couple, two, tree," being the biggest offender.

After 15 years, you still wouldn't catch me dropping that into conversation, but it was my first thought as #RPGaDay2020 provided "Couple" as the prompt of the day.

So here's a "couple" things I've needed the past two and a half months.

Every Monday night is my online game, using the old West End Games Star Wars D6 campaign. 

And despite a plethora of books, all I need is the rulebook, a decidedly non-Star Wars module, and Roll20/Skype to play. 

Just remember, folks, you need players and you to run a game.  All the extra stuff for online games and ttrpgs are fluffy nonsense if the game itself isn't there.

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