
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Bare Necessities

Over the last twelve months, my purchases have been night and day.  The six months prior to COVID I had two conventions to go to and  motley assortment of minis.  Since COVID, I've picked up one RPG (The Star Wars d6 30th Anniversary Slipcase) and everything else has the words Starter and Kick in them.

Immediately after my time in the hospital, I spent some time reorganizing the painting bench, and made my list.  I still haven't made it to Michael's or a local hobby shop for the necessary paint restock, but I did do the necessary online orders.
  • Zap-a-Gap (I use it for everything but a sandwich condiment.  Lasts so much long than other glues, even if the bottle craps out every once in a while.)
  • Slotta Bases (A couple otherwise great companies fail to mention the lack of basing in the Kickstarters).
Funny story, I ordered both from secondary suppliers on major online outlets.  The Zap-a-Gap arrived first, and the bases showed up three days later.  The thing that amuses me is the the Zap-a-Gap came from New England, while the bases came over from England negligible S&H on both)  Better yet, until their arrival, both of them had their anticipated shipping date as...

September 20th.

A Sunday delivery for standard parcels?  International no less?    Definitely seeing an issue with the Post Office.

Nevertheless, it all arrive in perfect time, as the packages are beginning to pile up.
I'll cover that top box in a future post.  Saaaaa-weet!
In a search for slottabases, I sorted through my random boxes o' bases and sorted them.

If anybody needs 28mm or 30mm mdf bases, let me know.  I have a bunch that need a good home.  $15 for them all (I'll ship US/Canada)
Gotta measure, but way bigger than the 25's I normally buy.
Project 350: 356/162 (still!)  from 358/162.   I'm all caught up with #RPGaDAY, and finishing up some Star Wars Actual Plays.  Some of my filler days (early October and December) got some amusing posts added.  Other useless factoid only I care about:  I wouldn't break 100 scheduled posts until after 4/13/2021.  

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