
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trudging Through RPGs During #RPGaDay2020

In spite of #RPGaDay2020 dominating my blogging bandwidth, I was quite happy to be able to post freshly painted minis yesterday. If I'm lucky, I can swing by Michael's to restock paint this weekend, regardless of what coupons I have:
#RPGaDay can be a soul-crushing experience.  I've simply discarded the notion of writing about RPGs daily, so when the list of topics/prompts is released July, I've already set up draft posts with a few ideas tucked inside.  By the time August 1st rolls around, I'm usually halfway done with the month.

This year, a weeklong stay in the hospital, and a slow but steady recovery, I still have three days to write up in the last ten (if you include the end of month write-up I always do).  Very out of character for me.

Outside of the legions of daily RPG topics, my focus has been on our Monday night Star Wars d6 online game on Roll20.  As of this writing we finished our first story arc. and are about to emerge into a far more sandbox-y feel.

Wouldn't you know it, the first time I patiently set up a map and tokens for a potential session, it's the first session we've needed to cancel.  Oh well, there's plenty of material to work our way through.

One reason I'm confident is my work on an expanded Challenge Challenge.  The idea of working through Challenge Magazine in chronological order to mine for campaign ideas was great, until I remembered that Challenge starts with Issue #25.  Issues #1-24 are actually the Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society (JTAS), not perfect for everything, almost downright perfect to use for this campaign.

Every issue of Challenge or JTAS has 2-6 good leads, be it scenarios, NPCs, starships or something else, and since I already gave a tentative outline for issues #25-29, I'll revisit JTAS #1 and beyond after that.

 Good time to update Project 350, my futile attempt at keeping my Draft ideas and Scheduled posts behind the scenes under 350 combined.  After this post appears, I'll have 162 posts in the queue alone!  A good number are future holiday posts (that's to antique German postcards, Easter is covered through 2032), I do have a backlog  of weekly actual play posts stretching almost a year, and top it off, the last few days of #RPGaDay2020.  

To make things worse, my drafts numbers (358) exceeds the original goal of the project! I'm sure I could set a few up as reference pages, but I still have a ton of work to look at. 

And finally, there is some moderate traction for an online RISUS: IOU game on what would be our Day of Sloth picnic.   Still collaborating with the others, but a little Skype and a dice roller might be more than we need to reunited the Society of Neffs AROUND THE WORLD.

Sure, the bold return of a college-age Yoda doesn't have the same mass appeal it did 15 years ago (stupid babies), but getting the band back together for a one-shot might grease the well-stuck wheels of other projects.

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