
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Did I Mention I Hate the New Blogger Format?

We always complain when Facebook changes, or any other app platform, but the new Blogger sucketh mightily!

For the dear reader, nothing really changes in the front end.  My blog's enchanting format and color scheme will remain the same.

After weeks of warning us, but allowing us to use the old legacy format, Google hit the switch and formatted things in a more modern and mobile-friendly way.

The real problem where things lie is my Project 350.  New Blogger looks like this:

All the posts that fit on my screen

The legacy format looks like this:
75% of posts legacy would show, plus the option to page through posts....
The one major change is that post lists (All, Scheduled, Draft, and Published) are now presented in an infinity scroll, loading more and more posts until you get to your desired spot, or the end. The legacy version had that nifty little page dropdown where I go through posts 25, 50, or 100 at a time.

I've accumulated so much stuff over ten years that drafts and scheduled posts into the future are huge lists.  I need to scroll through 350 draft posts to get to my current projects, and 180 scheduled posts to scroll to see the options that will be posting soon.

My gaming collection is no longer the books on the shelf, it's the ideas hidden "safely" on my blog.  And like my previous purges, I will regret doing so faster than expected.   A few items might go over to Pages, but Pages are set up the same way.

Another major quibble for me with the new format is that the new format complicates my Monday morning coffee ritual of reviewing my current year (October through September) posts and tracking the Top 25 posts for the year.

I'll forget all these problems in sixth months, but for the love of God, add some buttons to page through the freakin' posts!

Edit #1: It appears that the New Blogger is improved using Safari on my iPhone.  I have enough trouble with Twitter, much less typing full posts for the blog.

Edit #2: I found a temporary backdoor to use legacy, which I assume will disappear shortly, but it may let me finish up my Top 25 until the end of this gaming year.

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