
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #95 - Privy to Some Lore

Dear Reader,

The Lost Dispatches of Feraso, the telling of all the tales of my AD&D table during the 90's, is effectively over.  All the stories have been told, retold, revised, or even re-envisioned as best I could.

There are a few more tales from Elsderth himself however, as casual onlooker, scheming powerbroker, or simply the Witch of the Nightwood Forest.  I advise you to read Ballad of the Pigeon God, or at least episode #1-15 of it, before delving into this final story.

35th of TriDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes 
Another appearance by Ashe, the third time since the new year!  Usually Torm runs him out of town, but his time he let him stay.  It has been raining cats and dogs the last few days, making my walk back the shack impossible, less I slip and hurt myself again.  Haven't stayed at the cottage this many days in a row in years.  Fire making is exhausting, maybe magic has spoiled me.

Ashe was asking if anyone had seen his brother?  Did he ever have a brother?  Did anyone ever care?


1st of HexDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes 
That damned elf is still here!

Ashe is teamed up for once, though.  The thought of a Galmar Barbarian is frightening enough, but his sheer size is enough to intimidate the entire village.

Along with them is some incompetent, lecherous rogue, plus a traveler from the distant East, well past Parthia.  Intriguing.  Don't know if I want to casually talk to him as old man Elsderth, purveyor of knowledge and quests, or a formal introduction as W.  I don't know what I don't know and Distant Eastern Mysticism is beyond anyone within or outside the circle.

The old bat Caldwell is back after a long absence.  Much to everyone's surprise, her manor was broken into again and has been used but who or whatever could get in.  I swear the Caldwells are almost as stupid as the Gadlings.  At least the Gadlings had the decency to not survive the goblin invasion!  These four new adventurers look like the right rubes to clean it out...

7th of HexDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes 
Well I'll be.  The four new adventurers took care of Caldwell's manor.    Of course they fought undead in the basement.  May you finally rest in peace, poor Beourn.  They're thorough, only obnoxious to louder louts at the inn, and they hate Christina Caldwell more than I do.... let's see what I can get done.


12th of Hexdec, 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Another report of bandits down by the lake.  Survivor's details pinpoint Sellman's band, way too close to Eding.  Shot off a letter to Sellman to remind him of his obligations.  His band has kept Eding safe from scallywags, lizardmen, and wandering eyes in the swamp.  I am not afraid to void our long-standing agreement.


15th of Hexdec, 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Received reply to Cellowan (have I called him the wrong name since the beginning?). He very rudely told me that he and his cohort shall do as they please without fear of repercussion.   What pretentious bandit lord signs names himself "The Dread Lord."  We'll need to knock him down a few pegs...

23rd of HexDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I'm still not sure this new group of adventurers are a group, but they've fit into the village nicely.  The barbarian and the Easterner found sacks of loot from their adventure and quiet afternoons fishing sufficient for spirtiual enlightenment.  The lech, Maloran, found the the wrong end of the sword with Jenny Bricot and has behaved himself.

And Ashe?  That old elf has been my personal servant.   He's dedicated himself to some redemption crusade, like Torm had been forced to.  He cleaned out my personal stable and privy, plus helped clean up the cottage.
Old man Elsderth was quick happier than normal for the quick work, but didn't have any coin to pay him.  Ashe accepted an old box of  books as payment.  Books describing the old village of Alasku... especially the temple.


25th of HexDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
If Ashe left for Alasku yesterday, why are Rolf and Kane returning from fishing?  What in the sweet layers of Hades is going on?...


29th of HexDec, 1069  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Ashe has returned from his plundering of Alasku.  He took the Pigeon Guy????  Apparently Ashe assembled a completely new team to visit the temple. 

The pigeon collector wields a trident?  It's been a few years since we've gotten bigger yahoos, but he takes the cake.

Talis is a more flamboyant, possibly more lecherous fool than Maloran, he just sounds more competent.

The thief and priest are pretty non-descript, although I appreciate a well-balanced party for successful adventuring...

... and they hired Timmy as a torch bearer!  This poor child has been an orphan since the goblin invasion, he's somehow survived on his own, with the generosity of some (If he's still an orphan at 18 and I'm still around, I was thinking about making him my replacement.)

But a kid that resilient should not be made a torch bearer.. or pigeon handler.  That kid's tougher than all of them.

They also brought back two beings, Carthon, who I thought was an assistant to a carvan master  "The Dread Lord" allegedly attacked a few weeks back, and a wolf!  Echelon, the pigeon guy, calls him Pathfinder and talks to him like a human!   Others tease him and call him crazy, but the look on that wolf is the same that Canisoul had with Elswyth.  How did the pigeon guy get a telepathic wolf?  What is going on????

How the hell does this Echelon have a telepathic wolf like Elswyn?

Next: #96 - Visits and Messages

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