
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, October 31, 2020

(Kickstarter) Terror at Weinachten: A 5e Christmas Adventure

 Tim Krause has launched another Kickstarter!  Terror at Weihnachten: A Christmas Adventure: is a D&D 5e adventure for levels 7 and highter.  

From the Kickstarter itself:

Your party has been traveling in the wind and cold for many nights. You're freezing, cold, wet and - unfortunately - quite lost!

In the distance you see the first glow of candle light from what turns out to be Weihnachten Inn. Warming up over a pint of drink and a warm bowl of stew you learn that Weihnachten is not all that it seems.

Demons have been haunting the villagers and children for years, beginning every year around Christmas. For 20 dark days and nights, they terrorize the children in their sleep to the point where many stop speaking, their eyes vacant and staring.

And on the last night, the Demons always take a child.

Can your party help Weihnachten rid itself of the horror of the Demons before it is again too late? Can they help Weihnachten return to a more peaceful idyllic time.

A unique module, intended to be played in three sessions just prior to the Holidays.

And the best part yet is anticipated delivery of digital and physical rewards is slated for this December, and given his track previous track record, there's a good chance you might be able to run this before the holidays!

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