
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #97 - Proposals and Adoptions

Dear Reader,

The Lost Dispatches of Feraso, the telling of all the tales of my AD&D table during the 90's, is effectively over.  All the stories have been told, retold, revised, or even re-envisioned as best I could.

There are a few more tales from Elsderth himself however, as casual onlooker, scheming powerbroker, or simply the Witch of the Nightwood Forest.  I advise you to read Ballad of the Pigeon God, or at least episode #1-15 of it, before delving into this final story.

6th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Carthon emerged from the Nightwood with all of Echelon's creatures. I can only fear the worst....


18th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The Archishop of Hydincall apparently had a back-up party in mind in case Kane's group didn't succeed.  They seemed far more "professional" in attitude and their greed for coin.


20th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The professional adventurers quickly returned from Elwyn's Iron Citadel.  They succeeded in killing a black dragon(?) and Elwyn's lieutenant, but there was no sign of the Bell of Chardastes or the rogue priest himself. They took payment and left. Most of the party was fine, but their leader, a "Sir William of Arinka... or Whatever, was more pompous than Athelstane.  They could become the best of friends, I suppose.

20th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The burden of Adolphus' entourage departed.

30th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Carthon is resigned to the fact that Echelon and the others have perished, and knowing the small size of the citadel, I must agree.  He has begun inquiring about selling the menagerie. There is simply no way he and Timmy can handle that many animals without a farm to care for them. Once I discovered that Echelon's instructions to Carthon, if they didn't return,  were to sell off the animals and take care of Timmy, Old Elsderth made an appearance and gently advised him to wait a few days for other caravan merchants to arrive.

I also penned a quick message to an old friend about a certain favor.


36th of OctDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
As fate would have it,  Emmanuel de Zoog, a Purvmone Trader has arrived in Eding, looking for any sort of commodity before Winter nears.  What a sheer coincidence that Carthon has such items.  To my surprise, these pigeons had been raised since birth by Echelon and had been all taught to deliver messages and return to specific locations.  Emmanuel knew the value of the birds, and the biggest shock of all, so did Carthon.

The negotiation was fierce, but Carthon earned tremendous coin that day.  He took a large portion of his funds, acquired some loans for some traveling moneylender and purchased the old Autumnmoor Estate.   One of the smaller farming manors NOT on Manor Road, rather on the opposite side of the village, It was largely obscured from the road, but still intact from years of neglect.

Someone was smart to convince an aging Purvmone to use his adventuring earnings to buy into a dying man's trade company (Rest in Peace Angalm). 

Looks like Carthon (and Timmy) are going to stay.  But first, they need to hire some folks to help them "clean up what he's calling a Chateau.

4th of NonDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Carthon's Cleaners would be a fair name for his group that cleared the old Autumnmore estate.  Carthon recruited Jenny Bricot, Isaak, Barrack's daughter Fayette Tenslow, and Bloot, a new, muscle-bound member of the militia, eager to impress.

There were a few vagabonds, some nasty giant weasel, and an odd assortment of molds, jellies, and oozes, but Autumnmoor was emptied, just in time to clear some woods, repair the barns, and stockpile whatever they could for winter.

They also mentioned to the ill-named Bloot that he should change his name to something more becoming a mighty warrior.


10th of DecDec 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes

... in other rumors, there was a great brawl at the Blue Wizard last night.  It appears the militiaman Bloot had tired of the name-calling and teasing and took it out of those committing the teasing.   The brawl forced the on-duty militia to come in and clear it out.  They arrested most of the ne'er do wells and most will see prison time.  Today's crowd at the inn could do nothing but talk awestruck of the "Wrath of Bloot."


1st Day of Yule 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
A surprise wedding!  At some point, over the past month or so, Carthon has been courting Jenny Bricot although I wouldn't be surprised if it was the other way around.  As the celebrants packed the Blue Wizard for the first day of Yule festivities, Carthon made their intention to marry that evening known to the world.

Marriage in Crosedes should be as highly regulated as it was in Ras-Prythax, but at least, usually someone in a position of power should conduct the wedding.  A priest of any faith is usually above reproach, but it wasn't surprising that none were in town.  I doubt any of the cultists down by the Lake would venture up on such short notice, and the old half-orc Ozark in Elmshire is probably dead by now...

Going down the hierarchy, obviously Lord Athelstane could, as to his status as a nobleman, and both he and Lady Iris could due to the titles as Knights of Crosedes.  A runner was sent out to the manor, but with current opinions and attitudes, that felt like a long shot.

There were no ship's captains in attendance, but we deemed it probable that Barrak could, being he was Commander of the militia and owner of the Blue Wizard.

Eyes then turned to me.  I'm the oldest fellow in the Inn, which by the pedestrian rules of Guya, grants me the wisdom of the elders and power to conduct the service. I quickly deflected, saying that Torm should do it.  As an elf, he's the eldest by default, plus, as sergeant-in-arms, he holds considerable power.

It's no wonder why I rarely mention weddings in Eding.  They're quite complicated.

Despite some rumblings from the crowd, Carthon and Jenny were quite content to have Torm conduct the service, when Athelstane himself entered the Inn.
He conducted the service flawlessly, stayed for a part of the celebration thereafter, and even made some formal decrees.   He was overjoyed to confirm the official adoption of Ophan Timmy to the happy couple.  However, he did wince at the idea of all three assuming the surname of d'Echelon.  Having limited knowledge of the man, but knowing he was part of the failed holy mission, he paused at the action, but having Carthon explain how the man rescued him from the Temple of Alasku, got him a job, how it was his decree to care for Timmy, and without that, he would not have met and fallen in love in Jenny, Athelstane acquiesced.   Also, the official name of Autumnmore is officially the Chateau d'Echelon.   Fancy!

5th Day of Yule 1069 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
There is more supposed great rejoicing!  Perhaps being in the center of the Carthon and Jenny's wedding touched His Lordship, by at end the Festival of Yule, Athelstane proposed to Lady Iris!  The village is rejoicing, and others are claiming that this will earn Athelstane his title as Baron, and make Eding into a Barony, or perhaps into a County!  I don't see how this will affect any of the villagers, but I let them cling to these little delusions.

If I was told of this marriage mere months ago, I must admit complete bewilderment.  The two could barely stand each other, now they are side-by-side everywhere.


Next: #98 - Deceptions and Prophecy

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