
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #98 - Deception and Prophecy

Dear Reader,

The Lost Dispatches of Feraso, the telling of all the tales of my AD&D table during the 90's, is effectively over.  All the stories have been told, retold, revised, or even re-envisioned as best I could.

There are a few more tales from Elsderth himself however, as casual onlooker, scheming powerbroker, or simply the Witch of the Nightwood Forest.  I advise you to read Ballad of the Pigeon God, or at least episode #1-15 of it, before delving into this final story.


1st of HepDec, 1070  Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The wedding to Lord Athelstane and Lady Iris is just over a week away, and I for one, am sick of it already.  Expense spent by everyone, and the great effort expended by the whole village looks to be a waste of time!  It's not as if they are all invited!


8th  of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
A last second change! The wedding has been moved from Athelstane's Manor House to the Village Green!  All are invited, although only the dignitaries and local officials will have seats!


14th of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The various dignitaries and other pompous VIPs have made a mess of the village.  They've overwhelmed the Blue Wizard, and they've set up tents up and and down the Manor Road to spend the next few days in.  At best it looks like a disorganized joust, at worst it's a misguided circus.

I, for one, shall don the visage of the Witch and view from the shack. Far easier and far safer.


15th of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Just a thought, but there was no mention of Archbishop Adolphus coming to Eding to conduct the ceremony, either by the villagers or the guests, who should have passed the massive caravan coming from Hydincall.  And yet, like magic, it arrived just before dusk, to add even more misery to these events.


16th  of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Today was the worst day in the history of Eding.

The marriage between Lord Athelstane and Lady Iris appeared to be ready for a traditional and milquetoast production, but one attendee violently objected to the proceedings.

It was that Sir William of Arinka, the same fellow who had been hired to clean up the alleged mess that Kane, Echelon the Pigeon-Lover, and Velandro had left.  He showed no mercy to the militia and hired guards as he made his way to the stage.

Soon after, Kane's crew showed up... and quite alive.  They at least had the common decency to scream "Stop the Wedding" as they engaged the Archbishop's guards.

William leapt onto the stage, and with a single stroke, slew Lady Iris!  But then, her body began to contort and transform into some hairy arachnid form?   Imposter!  Other attendees, including the Archbishop and all his entourage, seemed to willingly transform, and the entire Village Green descended into a melee.

Until the green-skinned man cast a single spell.

I don't know where Kane's company found "Kannex," but he is, by far, the most powerful mage I have ever witnessed.  Even Thendara Wandsregal could not generate a fireball so big it enveloped the entire Village Green, the trading post, and even the Blue Wizard Inn!  Dozens perished in the explosion, but for every two innocent deaths, there was a dead arachnid man near them, and survivors were further transitioning into that spider form.

I did manage to slay a few fleeing spider-folk, which I will investigate further.

Within an hour, hundreds were dead, including Lord Athelstane, whose body remained quite human after death.  I discarded my witch outfit and hobbled down the hill as Old Elsderth, waiting to hear more...

This William character wasn't just a knight, He was Prince William the Scarlet, Paladin of Akana, Knight of the Spiral Hawk, and Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Aragain!    On his journeys, he had encountered these spider-beings trying to usurp power in Aragain, Crosedes, and elsewhere, and he had credible evidence to believe one of the two getting married was an imposter.

The only weakness they seemed to have was that the people they were dopplegangers were, needed to be kept alive.  Kane's group realized they knew of such a place to hide the originals, and after two days of rest and magical healing, were off again.

20th  of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
I penned a letter to Elswyth, informing her of the deception and asking for guidance.  How did I miss this great deception?    Am I too old for these duties?  Is there time for someone to replace me?

22nd of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Elswyth responded to my letter!

Do not despair, my dear Elsderth.  The ancient prophecy of the people of Alasku, before the Ancien, is well into motion.  Ancient weapons of antiquity will be needed to fight the scourge that is coming.  The Druids Grove interprets this legend one of two ways: 

We guardians of the world shall only maintain the balance, regardless of its outcome.  

We guardians need to let a new tide of good assume our roles to overpower evil.  

If I follow the second guidelines, if there are those who wish to protect your village, let them.  Your service has been noted, and at your age, you would help little during armageddon.  As your mentor and dear friend, I implore you to consider retirement, and to specifically flee Eding.  

Your service for the balance Guya demands is over.  The time for heroes is here.  You may leave your post and return home.

I appreciate your correspondence, your wit, and your wisdom.  You have a place here in Draloite if your home no longer welcomes you back.

-Elswyth, Druidess of Draloite.

30th of HepDec, 1070 Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Our heroes have succeeded!

Far up in the mountains was a secret lair of these "Spider-People" and within the lair were dozens of individuals who had been kidnapped and replaced.

Lady Iris lives!  Apparently she was kidnapped during last year's lizardmen attack.  That does explain the sudden courtship with Athelstane.

Iris' dad is alive?  Named Heirylat, he had been long gone before my arrival to Eding, but an awkward reunion it has been.

And after an equally longer absence the popular halfling mayor A Warren Corkbarrel was rescued! No word on where his doppleganger ended up, as he never appeared in the halfling villages after 1052.

31st of HepDec - Village of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
The heroes have accompanied Iris to Hydincall to make a full report to King Nevin.   Prince William is in charge and is actively helping with the building of the town and the healing of the injured.  He's not the guardian we want, but we need him to protect us....

I do believe the heroes brought another person back from the logging village of Lansluck, a very brown-skinned man, bald, and most noticeably missing his body from below the waist.  I've ascertained that his name is Mohammed, and being from the East as well, might be the teacher to Kane.  While the rest are gone, I shall quietly inquire with him if Kane and his friends can be the trusted guardians the prophecy demands, and if I can finally rest.

Next: #99 - A Conversation with Mohammed

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