
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, October 4, 2020

(Risus) The Census Cowboy - The Dreadhead Cowboy

Through all the stories of civil protests and unrest that have sparked across the country, one odd, yet truly positive one has been Chicago's Adam Hollingsworth, who goes by The Dreadhead Cowboy. 

This Summer, Mayor Lori Lightfoot recruited Hollingsworth to be the Census Cowboy, to go into neighborhoods underrepresented in census reporting.
I try not to stat-out real life people using Risus, unless they're a mockery of themselves, but Mr Hollingsworth is such the opposite, and the concept of anyone riding a horse in a urban landscape is so eccentric to most, that I needed to stat him out. 
Social Justice Horseman (4)
Dread Head Cowboy (3)
Dancer Who Steals Looks, Not Horses (2)
Spokesman for the Census (1)

I haven't read any reports as to his effectiveness as Census spokesman (with spokeshorse), but I hope that last cliche  needs to be increased by his efforts.

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