
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Holy Grail of Data is (Partially) Unleashed

 Once the governor lifted the restrictions on non-essential businesses, I ran an ancient hard drive over to the local computer repair place, to attempt to pull some cryptic data.  I wasn't too interested in loading my old Winamp, rather I shot for my Hackmaster GM Toolkit and some of my Dice Baseball league data to be recovered.  

Months later, I finally have a jump drive in my hand, at least all my old Hackmaster stuff, plus a ton of Georic notes. 

After opening up two small files, I realize I have a number of edits in the Lost Dispatches of Feraso to change a few names, plus trying to figure out where the Viscounty of Sunfield needs to be placed.

I was also pleasantly surprised that Hackmaster GM Toolkit also had some miscellaneous files, including a write-up of the inaugural Day of Sloth picnic game of Risus - Illuminati University. New blog posts to follow!

The drive is beyond shot, staying on for only a few minutes before shutting down, so there is a limited window to pull data.  However, the shop kept the drive and promised to continue to pull more data off of it at no charge. 

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