
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 6, 2020

Election 2020 - The Wargame and My Usual Update

This year, 2020, am I right? 

Three days past Election Day here in America and we discover new ways to keep the tension going with (I hope) tens of thousands of mail-in ballots remaining to be opened in a few states.  

What we did benefit from was Al-Jazeera turning the US into a hexmap based on Electoral College votes.   #EveryChitCounts

The weekly update:
Basketball Diaries and other Sundry Items: I'd like to say the election kept me from gaming this week, but it has been a wild time at work (as expected), and the full fury of basketball has descended upon me.  Thanks to the local community league cancelling the season, I've been acting as a b-ball Switzerland with all the "independent" teams, scrambling to find more players.   There's one regional league left that needs a team, and a few girls got left out in the cold, but with no practice space, and the dreadful combination of loud-mouth parents and kids who just aren't good enough to keep a team together, I've lost the motivation to assemble that.   There are rumors of affordable gym rentals within a quick drive, so I might better organize some general practice time for all girls, rather than recruit another partial super-team that will still get slammed int competitive play.  These parents will never learn.

But on a brighter note, the games for my kids' leagues start next Thursday, finally ending the grand experiment of Flag Football.   I really can't complain too much about the boys not throwing to the girls, although mine have the longest touchdowns on each of their teams.  The fact that the boys can't throw (or block) makes that a difficulty for everyone involved.   Like all kid's sports (and I'm guilty of it as well), you should only take flag football so seriously.  Players, coaches, and parents shouldn't be whooping it up like it's some storied college football rivalry game.  I remember the majority of these parents as 90% of the football players in high school.  It was cult-like to that passionate as a member of team of teenagers, as adults, it's ignorant and surreal.  

Painting on deck:  That rant aside, I have a few more variant Nightmares from Legions of Steel to finish up, plus some refurbished figures I picked up at flea markets.  The regular stuff I always promise is there too...

MEPACON:  Our local con has gone digital for the second time, and it starts today.  Check out for details.  Don't know if I can make any of it, but you should try!

Project 350:  524 (357/167), inching up from  523 (352/171) two weeks ago.   A couple weeks of d6 Star Wars write-ups to finish (for next November!), a Christmas game to write for for next Monday, a Traveller min-campaign to finalize, and the regular slew of draft ideas I want to get done.  I still have some thirty-some odd items in the draft queue for the rest of the year, but also 21 posts already scheduled as well. Breaking 500 doesn't look encouraging (all my Star Wars posts stay on that number as scheduled posts).  Gotta get those games in whenever I can.

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