
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #100 - Zeichenindex von Feraso

Key: (Alphabetical by first name) - Race and Class - description - (#episode of first, then subsequent appearances) - Specific episodes of note.  Index of Episodes can be found here.

A.Warren Corkbarrel [88, 98] Former beloved mayor of Lowdale, assumed dead (#88)  Rescued from the Spider-People (#98)

Adolphus [96-99] Archbishop of Hydincall.  Leader of the Church of Akana. Bell of Chardastes Quest (#96), Back-up plan (#97) Spider Person Dopplegangers (#98)

Adomas Nevsky [28] - Lord Commander of Kalvaria (Knights of Talmark) Founded Kingdom of Nevskia (date unknown)

Agatha Gadling [72, 76, 90] - Wife of Bernard, incompetent moron, mother of Hob. The Goblin War (#90) d.1061

Agawin [9] - Local lord from the Freiskab of Illefarn.  Missing (#9)

Akuloth [45] Commander of the Ithillid Scientific Expedition near Burrok.

Alwin Warmark [11-25, 35-38, 49-51, 54, 93] - "Brother"/Acolyte of Akana - Order of Merit (#11), Appointment as Freigraff of the Totenlinden at Amberstoll (#25) Letters from Elsderth (#35-37), Annual visit from the Order of Merit (#49), Letter from Elsderth (#93)

Andrei Krasimir [29-38, 40-55] - Bastard son of Lord of Sheagov.  spoke multiple language, penchant for magic.  Wand of Lightning Bolts (#44) Acquires Krasimir Tower (#51)  Murdered by Thendara Wandsregal (#54) d.1037.  Resolving the Estate of (#55)

Angalm Zhulu [32, 34, 72-75] - Pohojlan merchant, first met in Nauzantil, fenced Blackash's items.  Chance Encounter with Elsderth in Eding (#72-75)

Angus Helenek [72, 90-91] Owner of the Blue Wizard Inn. The Goblin War (#90) Council of Elders (#91), Promoted to Sergeant (#91)

Argus [78] Blacksmith of Eding

Arnulf [38] Krugraf of Ras-Prythax  1023-1045   death (#65)

Ashe Winnebago [72, 95-98] Elf Ranger, woodsman, furrier.  Clears out Castle Caldwell in 1069. (#95)  Back from the dead! (#98)

Athelstane [70, 76, 79, 88, 90-91, 93-94, 96-99] Lord of Eding c1145, White Knight of Crosedes. The Goblin War (#90-91)  Council of Elders (#91) Proposes to Lady Iris (#97) Wedding Disaster (#98) d.1070

Augustus of Korbon [37] - Baron of Korbon, dominion where Feldkurton was located in 1020.  Elsderth's original servitude/appreticeship.   Lost Feldkurton from the Barony 1022 (#37) Stripped of title and land (#52)

Avesta [44] - Cloud Giant Princess of the Sky Palace.  Described Sazor's betrayal (#44)

Balfas [23-26] - Undead General, Defeated (#24) Interned at Krigsgrave (#25), Detailed in Celeste's Letter (#26)

Banaani [32] - Pet Monkey of Angalm Zhule.

Barrak (Barrack) Tenslow [72,76, 86, 88, 90-91, 93 ] - Militia member. Promoted to Sergeant c.1050 (#76) Commands Krull&Co in militia (#86, 88) The Goblin War, Promoted to Captain (#90) death of wife, Council of Elders (#91) Given rank of Lieutenant of Eding Militia during peacetime (#91) Trial and Punishment of Torm and Markuus (#93)  Owner of the Blue Wizard (#95-97)

Bartel [25] Surviving villager from Krigsgrave, hired as guide to Amberstoll (#25)

Bartholomew Brightswallow [25] - Magistrate of Amberstoll Citadel.  Arrested by Baron Remo, became a scribe (#25)

Becthel [69] - Guardian of Apotheosis

Benjamin Vandevelde [91] - Captain 3rd Cros Med Lancers - first patrol of Eding (#91)

Beourn the Paladin [94] - Paladin of Akana, killed and turned to undead under Castle Caldwell d.1067

Bernard Gadling [72, 76, 90] - Sergeant-in-Arms for Lord Athelstane's Manor.  Incompetent moron married to Agatha Gadling.  The Goblin War (#90)  d.1061

Berthlenda [78] Younger sister of Argus the Blacksmith.  Romantic tryst with Richomer Spade.

Bizaud [81-91] - Half orc fighter thief, ally of Zoog. Rescues Gad Gadling (#83)  Returns from winter in Hydincall (#86) Fighting Goblins (#87-88) Missing from Eding (#89)  Missing from The Goblin War (#90) Confirmed desertion (#91)

Bloot [97] - militia member,  Wrathful tavern brawl.

Boris Smutney [25] - Captain of the Guard, Amberstoll Citadel.

Bronja [10] - Local lady from the Freiskab of Illefarn. Sister of Freiskan Melfarm.  Rescued by Talanth Blackash (#10)

Brurheadeth Ironaxe [12] - Wife of Korin Ironaxe

Bungi [35] - "The Wonder Dog"  owned by Monica 

Canisoul [92, 95] Wolf with telepathic link plus talk with animals with Elswyth Harvesthand.

Caradoc Sandheaver [89] Halfling farmer in Elmshire

Carathmus [57,60, 62, 64-65] - A brooding fellow of questionable morals.  Magic Swords and Living Armor.

Carthon d'Echelon [95-97] Carvan worker kidnapped by the Dread Lord, saved and hired by Echelon (#95)  Sold off the estate of Echelon (#96)  Buy Autmnmore (#97) Married Jenny Bricot (#97) Adopts Timmy (#97)

Caton Beauvau [70, 72, 74, 76-77, 79-83, 85-86, 88, 90-92] Womanizing farmer in Eding, possibly ex-caravan guard.  Assumes the role as W. (#79-83, 85-86, 88)  Missing from The Goblin War (#90) d. 1061 (#91) Relationship with the Witch of Eding.

Celeste Sonnage de la Souer [23-38, 56, 66] - Priestess of Akana, Freipriesterin die Geguntotnen, former associate of Talanth Blackash. Freigraff of Amberstoll  (#25)  Letter to the Krugraf (#26) Leaves the Order of Merit to go back to Crosedes (#36-37),  Safe Arrival in Nuxon Keep (#38)
High Priestess of Ferrand (#66)
Promoted Bishop of Ferrand c.1047 (#66)

Cellowan  [95, 96] Another alias of Sellman

Celowin Silvershield III [66] Former King of Crosedes.  Granted cousin Nobquin, Lord the County of Ferrand

Celowin Silvershield IV [68] King of Crosedes. Granted Athelstane Domain of Eding c1045.

Cesmir [77-79] Magic-User, rescued Hob Gadling (#77)  Left Eding for Hydincall (#79)

Cesmir Reptilius [66] - Former Duke of Ferrand.  Conquered Duchy of Draloite, formed Kingdom of Crosedes 846.

Christina Caldwell [94-95] Daughter of Clifton Caldwell.  Owns Castle Caldwell on Manor Road

Clifton Caldwell [94]  A merchant with more gold than sense, Clifton purchased the Plity estate for a king's ransom.  Always infested and invaded with humanoids  d. 1165

Colgredd [7,15,17, 23-24, 26, 32, 45,48-49,56, 84] - Stupid Ranger of Dremmen, joins Talanth Blackash (#7) Temple of Elemental Evil ,Chain Mail +1 (#15) Vanished! (#49) Described in Interview withe Ned Overland (#84)

Colvin Festeburt [37] - Feldkurton Crime Lord.  Arrested, Manor House seized, given to Sir Elsderth (#37)

Dagmar [19] - Landless Countess in Feraso City - Wife of Count Wilhelm

Dax "Dar"  Hammersmith [5-6] Second in Command to Caravan employed by Hagen Grassl

Derlenth [26, 32, 56, 84] cleric - ally of Talanth Blackash, Description by Angalm Zhule (#32) Described in Interview with Ned Overland (#84)

Echelon Reimann [95-96, 98-99] "The Pigeon Guy" with a menagerie of Animals, Pathfinder the Wolf [#95] Back from the dead! (#98)

Edmund [65] King of Markovia (title only). Markovian businessman, husband of Queen Gretchen

Eger  [36, 52-53, 74] - Commander of the Verbobonc Guard, Nephew of Wilifrick. Contender as next Viscount of Verbobonc (#36)  Married, 1st Child b. 1022. Becomes Viscount of Verbobonc 1028 (#52)

Eichen [93] - Member of Eding militia. Trial and Punishment of Torm and Markuus (#93)

Eldray the Wizard [94] Wizard who helped clean out Castle Caldwell in 1067.

Eligius Moray [38, 40-49] - Brother and Guardian of Akana.  Joins Order of Merit (#38) Leaves Order of Merit (#49)

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk - Sellsword, Part-Time Sage, Lord of Greyhawk, Baron of Greyhawk.  see Elsderth Millbottom

Elsderth Millbottom [1-25, 27-55, 57-99] Baron of Greyhawk- scribe of Viscount of Verbobonc (#1) from Feldkurton (#1), Stats (#2), Arrested in Marholm (#6), Sage of Marholm (#8), First alias of Elsderth Greyhawk (#9) Stone of Earth Elemental Summoning (#12) Temple of Elemental Evil (#15), Audience with Krugraf Mykul (#19) Visit to Taux On-Er (#21-22) Krigsgrave (#23-24)  Obtains "The Betrayer" (#24) Freigraff of Amberstoll (#25), Destruction of Temple of the Dragon (#33), Lunch with the Viscount (#36)  Knighted and granted a land title  by the Viscount Wilifrick (#37)  Funeral of the Krugraf (#38) History of the Krugrafs (#39) Palace in the Sky (#41-44), Against the Giant (#48) Married Felecia Bachi (#49)  Son, Matthias (#49),
Given Title of Baron, parts of Korbur (#52)
Death of Andrei (#53), Temple Uprising (#57-59) Death of Eldsderth (#59),
Faked death, reverts to using Millbottom (#60), Hunting Tablesmasher's Company (#60-65)  Alias - Torben Hardox (#61) Tour of Crosedes (#67-70), Eding Residency (#70-99)  Sergeant in Eding Milita (#76), Discovers secret of the Witch (#79) Becomes Protege to W. (#80), Kidnaps Gad Gadling (#82) Interview with Ned Overland (#84), Leaving for Elmshire (#88) The Goblin War (#90-91) Death of Caton (#90) Death of Lander Mertens (#90)  Council of Elders (#91) Assuming the role of W. (#92-99) Trial of Torm and Markuus (#93) Gives Ashe maps to Alasku (#95)  Spider-Person Wedding (#98) Letter to Elswyth (#98) Conversation with Mo (#99)  Retirement? (#99)

Elwyn [96] Rogue priest of Akana.  HQ the Iron Citadel in the Nightwood.  Stole Bell of Chardastes (#96)

Elswyth (ne: Elswyn) Harvesthand  [88, 92-96, 98-99] - Druidess of Draloite. Mysterious figure in communication with W. (#88) Appearance in Eding (#92) Wolf Canisoul  Prophesizing the end times (#98).

Emeretta Tenslow [91] Daughter of Barrack, Returned safely after Goblin War (#91)

Emmanuel de Zoog [97] Purvmone trader, purchases Echelon's menagerie.  See Zoog

Enerk [51] - Old Wizard, talented with clockwork guardians.

Epstenstein - [29]  Stone giant farm laborer in Nevskia.

Sir Erilec - [34] - Craven Knight of Talmark and dragon hunter.

Evar [48] - Hill Giant Chieftain in Danaan.  Fought Blackash and Greyhawk separately.

Fayette Tenslow [91, 97] Daughter of Barrak. Returned safe after Goblin War (#91) Cleared out Autumnmore (#97)

Felecia (Bachi) Greyhawk [49,60] Wife of Elsderth Greyhawk m.1025, Son Matthias b.1026

Feraydoon [74] - Yarbay mage.  Friend of Viscount Eger.  Saved Verbonbonc Lancers during snowstorm in 1046.

Finglen Finnoggan [41] - Elf "magician" in Vrianios.  Discovered Cloud Giant corpse.

Fosterspell Andersen [37] - Mayor of Feldkurton, Removed by Viscount Wilifrick (#37).

Fromm Tyre [47] - Famed Gnome Titan General

Fulco Wanderblaze - [27] Lord, Trade Minister for Willfrick of Verbobonc, gnome.

Gabriella Reikhoff - wife of Duke Hugethan Reikhoff, Mother of Gregor,  d. 1019

Gad Gadling [82] son of Bernard and Agatha Gadling.  Kidnapped by Elsderth and sent into the Nightwood.  The Goblin War (#90)  d.1061

Gavin Wellharn [45] bald gnome - last surviving member of Council of Elders in Burrok.

Gerard Clayhanger [88, 90]  Mayor of Lowdale, replaces A Warren Corkbarrel, Former carpenter. The Goblin War (#90)

Graham, Lady [36] - Niece of Viscount Wilifrick, Warrior-Priest of Akana crusading against the orcs of Milosic.

Greenwall [17-18] - Resident wizard of Schattenwurf.  Missing (#17-18)

Gregor Walter Reikhoff [18-19, 57-59] - Prince, heir to the Duchy of Ostverk.  squire to his father, Hugethan (#18) Temple Uprising (#57-59), Death of Elsderth Letter (#59),
Became Commander of the Knights of Fearso prior to 1045 (#59)

Gregory Harkorn [4] - High Lord of Willip

Gretchen von Manhoffen [64-65] - Sister of Duke Jakob.  Vying for the throne.  Assumes role of Queen of Markovia (#65)

Greysteel, Lady (36) - Niece of Viscount Wilifrick - famed adventuress.  Fighting Pirates off of Tripolis.

Guido Burrowes [89] Halfling Captain of the Elmshire Militia

Gulli Odmusson [7, 15, 17, 22-24, 32, 45, 48-49,56, 84] - Drunken Warrior from Dremman,  Joins Talanth Blackash (#7) Temple of Elemental Evil, Shield +2 (#15), +1 Sword of Obviousness (#22) Description in Celeste's Letter, "Reverse Falchion" (#26) Vanished (#49) Described in interview with Ned Overland

Gunter Reikhoff [18] - Son of Gregor, grandson of Hugethan.  Becoming squire at 8 (#18)

Guy du Wandsregal [10] Human Magic-User, former apprentice to Reznik Maximillian, father of Thendara Wandsregal.

Hagen Grassl [3-5] Caravan Merchant

Hammork [34] - Guard of Angahlm Zhule

Harald Gudmunssen [7, 9] - Good King of Wyrmnal. Jarl of Jarls in Norrvik

Harbash [5-6] - Caravan Guard employed by Hagen Grassl.  Killed a man in Dremman (#5) Sentenced to death (#6)

Hardox [4-6] - Caravan Guard employed by Hagen Grassl

Hartwig von Manhoffen [64] Crown Prince of Markovia d.1045

Hawise [60] Verbobonc Teamster. Named used deceptively in the fake death of Baron Elsderth.

Heimo Raddatz [93] Owner of Trading Post in Eding.

Helena [36, 53] - Daughter of Viscount Wilifrick, Educated at the Lyceum in Hydincall, Lunch with Elsderth (#36), Letter from Elsderth (#53)

Henri Torsorin  [51] Human magic-user.  Heroes of Enerk

Hierylat [98] - Father of Lady Iris, kidnapped by and rescued from Spider-People.

Hob Gadling [72, 76-77, 90] First-born son of Bernard and Agatha Gadling. Clueless moron.  Missing (#76) Rescued! (#77), The Goblin War (#90) d.1061

Hridul [8] - Wife of Runholf (#8)

Hugethan Reikhoff [17-19] - Duke of Ostverk, Knight of Feraso

Igrushan [74] - Mage-adviser to Viscount Eger

Lady Iris d'Hierylat [77-79, 88, 90-91, 93, 96-99] orphaned urchin living in Eding.  Rescues Hob Gadling (#77) Lieutenant of  Eding Milita (#79), Knighted Red Knight of Crosedes and Lady Protector of the Realm c.1050 (#79)  Working in the Royal Court for Eding/Lord Athelstane (#88), Missing from the Goblin War (#90)  Arrives with reinforcements to crush goblins (#90) Council of Elders (#91) Magistrate for War Crimes (#91, 93) Proposed to by Lord Athelstane (#97) Spider Person Dopplegangers (#98)  Real Iris saved by Kane (#98)

Isaak Walmund [93, 96-97] Member of Eding militia.  Trial and Punishment of Torm and Markuus (#93)  Messenger to Hydincall (#96) Helped clean out Autumnmore (#97)

Jakob von Manhoffen [64] - Duke of Markovia d.1045

Jan [33] - Human weaponsmith in Nauzantil.  Good egg.

Jaroo [92] Druid of Hommlet, save the life of Elswyth Harvesthand

Jenny Bricot [93, 95, 97] - Member of Eding Militia. Trial and Punishment of Torm and Markuus (#93) Married Carthon d'Echelon, adopts Timmy (#97)

Princess Jolana Timbertrees of Nitrava [39] 5th cousin to a distant relation in Bloodblade line.  Married Theuderic I.

King Jorgin [43] Cloud Giant King of the Sky Palace
Julius Mork  [3] - horse trainer from Taymouth

June Berteau [72] - Farmer's daughter from Hommlet.   Lover Leandro of Ispatlia died/disappeared in Temple of Elemental Evil assault.  Joined Church of Akana afterwards, recruited an all-women's clergy.

Kane [95-99] Eastern mystic - Clears out Castle Caldwell in 1069. (#95)  Visit the Witch (#96) Back from the dead! (#98)

Kannex [98] - Powerful mage who interrupted Athelstane/Iris wedding (#98)

Karlis Blitzener [30] - Leader of the Dwarven Mining Town of Warka

Keestake [7] - Resident of Villinea Island

Keleron [83] - Drow who visits Eding.

Korin Ironaxe [12] - Dwarven leader of explorers of Illefarn

Kraso Lacrary [72, 76, 88, 90] - Captain Eding Militia, Directly commands Krull&Co (#88) The Goblin War d. 1061 (#90)

Krull [81-91] - middle-aged warrior from Westhamm, son of Theron. Rescues Gad Gadling (#82) Returns from Winter in Hydincall, Gladiator Champion (#86), Fighting Goblins (#88), Missing from Eding (#89) Missing from The Goblin War (#90) World Gladiator Championships, Conquering Krull, Confirmed desertion (#91)

Laikkic Loc [87] - Magic Shop Keeper in Hydicnall. Encounter with Theron.

Lander Mertens [90] Knight-General of the Royal Army (15th Cros. Inf).  Pursuit of the G'ba army into the Nightwood, killed by the Witch! (#90) d.106

Lareth "The Beautiful" [57] - Warrior-Priest lieutenant of the Moathouse near Hommlet.  Killed Elmo and Rufus of Hommlet, escaped.

Lazor Sanorlan [55] - Barrister in Hermetus.  Executed estate of Andrei Krasimir.

Leif I [39.92] - House Bloodblane. First King of the Second Ferasean Empire Rumors of his return (#92)

Leif IV [39,92] -  The Mighty, House Bloodblade. Legendary Emperor of the Second Ferasean Empire, stretching from Senzar to southern Wyrmnal, to outposts in Galmar, Kufrik, Parthria, and the Five Kingdoms.  Rumors of his return (#92)

Leif V [39] - Emperor of the Second Ferasean Empire - began retraction of the Empire's influence.

Leif VII [39] - Last recogonized Emperor of the Second Ferasean Empire.

Liufried I [39] - First of the "Barbarian Pretenders" to the throne of Feraso

Sir Llewelyn Longarm [9] - Native of Cymru, Baron Melfarm of Illefarn's weaponmaster

Lobo [51] - Olive-skinned Senzaran Ranger.  Hero of Enerk.

Maksim [45] Argivian hired to translate Argivian and Gnomish for the Order of Merit.

Maloran Alberhold [95] - Human fighter, womanizer.  Clears out Castle Caldwell in 1069. (#95)

Marigold [3-4, 8-9, 34] - Elsderth's first horse.  Shortened to "Mary" (#4) Retired (#34)

Queen Marija [43] Cloud Giant Queen of the Sky Palace.

Markuus Silverleaf [81-91, 93]  Sylvan or Wild elf. Cleric of Ill-Matter. Head injury, rescues Gad Gadling (#82) Returns from winter in Hydincall (#86) Gladiator fighting (#87) Fighting Goblins (#87-88) Missing from Eding (#89)  Missing from The Goblin War (#90) Confirmed Desertion (#91) Trial and Punishment (#93) Escapes Eding (#93)

Marquin [62] - Bishop of Devarnish

Maruch [25] - Only villager from Krigsgrave to escape General Balfas

Matthias Greyhawk [49, 59-60] son of Eldsderth b. 1026  Named Baron of Greyhawk 1045 (#59)

Melfarm [9, 11-12]- Freiskan of Illefarn.  Orders attack on "King" Ironaxe in Old Illefarn (#12)

Melinda [7] - Daughter of a merchant, kidnapped by pirates.  Associate of Talanth Blackash.

Meloch [12] - Farmer north of Illefarn.

Merek Terrowin [60] - Agricultural merchant in Vrianios.  Named used deceptively in faking of Baron Elsderth's death.

Merovec Puddinfoot [76, 89] - Halfling furniture maker in Elmshire.  Elsderth's favorite.

Midnight [17, 36] - female magic-user, an ally of Talanth Blackash.  Rumored to be head of Cult of Yotia (#36),

Miksa [40] Duke of Vrianios, also goes by Michael or Mykul.

Mohammaed [98] Teacher of Kane  (#98) Conversation with Mo (#99)

Monica Margaraon [35] - Woodsman,  Owner of Bungi, the Wonder Dog

Morgan [17] - Captain, Commander of the forces of Schattenwurf (#17)

Morya Silverbough [11-25, 28-35, 50 ] - Wyrmnalian Warrior Women - Order of Merit (#11) Battle Axe +2 (#13), Freigraff of Amberstoll (#25), Leaves the Order of Merit (#34) heads back to the Weissmach.  No Contact With (#50)
Murag (ne. Morag) Mountainhammer [11-25, 28-38, 40-54, 57-60] - Dwarf Warrior from Wyrmnal mountains.  Order of Merit (#11), Dwarven Plate Mail +2 (#13), Freigraff of Amberstoll (#25) Wintering in the Kron Hills (#38), Temple Uprising (#57-59)

Myhilde [8] - wife of Runholf.  Impregnated by Talanth Blackash, spirited away to Markovia. (#8)

Mykul [19, 38] - Krugraf of Ras-Prythax.  Audience with the Order of Merit and Duke Hugethan of Ostverk (#19)   death d.1023 (#38)

Nailus Hauffen [29] - family dog of Hauffen family.  Killed by Wilas (#29)

Ned Overland [26, 32, 56, 83-85]  hard-drinking lothario and part-time warrior.  ally of Talanth Blackash.  Described in letter by Celeste (#26) Description from Angalm Zhule (#32)  Joins Krull&Company (#83)  Interview with Elsderth, Travelling the Mer Medi (#84) Leaves Krull& Company (#85)

Nestikar [35, 41] - Elsderth's second horse. Purvmone for "Integrity".  Lost during search of the Sky Palace (#41)

Nevin [96, 98]  King of Crosedes.

Nobquin Silvershield [66]  Cousin to Celowin.  Lord of Ferrand.  Ascension to Duke of Ferrand c.1047

Optmar Hestir [66-67]  Elsderth's steed (1047-1050)

Ozark [72, 88-90] - Purvmone (half-orc) priest - assistant to Tanqueman the Elder. The Goblin War (#90)

Pathfinder [95] Wolf with telepathic link to Echelon

Parzival [26] - Royal Adjutant for Krugraf Mykul

Pe'Psi [22] - Wizard of Taux On-Er

Pevuss Corkburst [45] - Gnome merchant from Burrok.

King Phillipian [46] - King of Argivia

Phyrrus [46] - Crown Prince of Argivia

Ploutis Kadis [48] - Member of the Boule and of the Presidium of Danaan

Primulen Hauffen [29] - Purvmone farmer, wife of Tomac.

Ranier [8] - Diplomatic envoy for Viscount Willifrik to Marholm (#8)

Remo [25, 50] - Baron of Amberstoll Citadel

Reznik Maximillian [10] - Imperial Wizard of Ras-Prythax

Richomer Spade [78] - Noted Scholar, expert on Dragonmen

Rolf Housekarl [37-38, 40-50, 52] Captain of the Garrison at Feldkurton - Commendation from the Viscount (#37) Joins Order of Merit (#38), Retires to Zieland (#52)

Rolf Wolfsblood [95-98] Galmar Barbarian.  Clears out Castle Caldwell in 1069. (#95)   Back from the dead! (#98)

Rolgrim Snakecloud [11-25] - Rogue and Scoundrel - Order of Merit (#11).  Death fighting General Balfas d.1021 (#24)  Burial at Krigsgrave (#25)
Rolgrim 1095-1021
Rufus [60] - Verbobonc teamster - Named used deceptively in the fake death of Baron Elsderth.

Runholf "The Dandy" [5-8, 12] - Jarl of Marholm - Hires bounty hunters for Elsderth (#12)

Sabu Tablesmasher II [57,60,62,64-65]  - Dwarf fighter with a penchant for tavern brawls.

Sazor [43-44] - Wizard of the Sky Palace

Sellman [83] Young brigand leader, in cahoots with W. Brigands under his command killed by Krull & Company.  Given Temple of Alasku by W. as new base of operations.  Married with small daughter.  Fancies himself "The Dread Sellman, Lord of the Highwaymen (#83).      See Cellowan
See Prince Cervinal, the Dread Lord.

Serlon the Grim [51] - Warrior,  Heroes of Enerk.

Sheren Spearslayer [9] - Captain of the Dolksford Militia (#9)

Simon Balasz [38, 40-48] - Guide for the Order of Merit on their eastern travels. Magical Shortsword (#40)  Killed Against the Giants (#48)

Sloemin the Wizard [57,60, 62,64-65] - wizard with an intolerance to alcohol.

Smith [14-15] - Blacksmith of Nulb

Sost [33] - High Priest of the Cult of the Dragon Temple in Nauzantl

Sturgis Zurleas -[46]  Provincial Administrator for Argivian district with Veles in it.

Syrian Theus [62]  Proprietor, Fallen Timbers Inn

Talanth Blackash [7-8, 10, 14-17, 22-24, 26-28, 32-34, 43-45, 48-49, 56, 84] Elf F/M/T - Clan name is Andrafjorden. Complexion is Agenmoor. Mentioned by Runholf the Dandy, Recovered King Villenea's Funeral Longship, Robs Runholf (#7), Impregnates Jarl's wife (#8), Rescued Lady Bronja, murdered Lord Agwain of Illefarn (#10) Nulb (#14) Temple of Elemental Evil, Backstabbing with a Bardiche, Cloak of Elvinkind (#15) Aiding the victims of Betend (#16), Skipping out in Schattenwurf (#17), Rampaging through Taux On-Er (#22), Krigsgrave (#23-24) Description from Celeste (#26), Retelling Warka (#30), Attack on the Sky Palace (#43-44) Fighting Ithillids near Burrok (#45), Against the Giants (#48) Vanished! (#49)  Described in Interview with Ned Overland

Talis Makolin [95-98]  Bard Womanizer  Back from the dead! (#98)

Tanqueman the Elder [76,88-90] - Halfling priest (?) mayor/sherrif of Elmshire.  The Goblin War (#90)

Taux On-Er the Observator [22] - Ruler of the pocket universe of Taux On-Er. Wife of Utte.

Thavumir Bottledelver [72, 85] Dwarf brewer/merchant from Omsjik

Thendara Wandsregal [10, 14-15, 17, 22-24, 26, 32, 45,48-49, 54-56, 84] Human Magic-User - from Dolksford, Illefarn.  daughter of Guy du Wandsregal.  Joined Talanth Blackash (#10) Temple of Elemental Evil, Bracers of Defense AC3 (#15) Robe of Useless Items (#22) Description in Celeste's Letter (#26), Description by Angalm Zhule (#32), Destroying Ithillids (#45) Vanished (#49) Murders Andrei Krasimir (#54). Purchase of Krasimir Tower (#55), Described in Interview with Ned Overland (#84)

Theofina [16] Princess, Furstentum - Distant heir to the Ras-Prythax crown.

Theron [81-87] aging magic-user, father of Krull.  Rescues Gad Gadling (#82) Does not return from winter in Hydincal (#86) Bull in a Magic Shop, Theron's Curios (#87)

Theuderic I  [39]  Krugraf of Ras-Prythax - Barbarian Pretender, married into distant Bloodblade family to become "legitimate"
Theuderic II [38]  Krugraf of Ras-Prythax- Father of Krugraf Mykul and Krugraf Arnulf (bastard).
Theuderic III [65, 74] Krugraf of Ras-Prythax- Son of Krugraf Arnulf.  Weak and inept.  C.1045

Thomas Millbottom [1]- Second Miller of Feldkurton, Father of Elsderth.  Out of business.Tax troubles with the Baron.

Thormak Gingerheart [51] Dwarf Cleric.  Heroes of Enerk.  Goes by "Chet"

Timmy the Orphan [95-97] Hired by Echelon as a torch bearer (#95) Animal handler (#96)

Tirran [42-43, 45] - Bugbear Captain of the Cloud Palace

Titos Hosmer [60] - Imperial Auditor in Vrianios.  Named used deceptively in the fake death of Baron Elsderth.

Titus the Rogue [94] Thief.  Cleaned out Castle Caldwell in 1067.

Tomac Hauffen [29] Purvmone Farmer from Nav-Bodu, husband of Primulen

Torben Mikkelsen [1, 27, 36]- Seneschal of the Viscount of Verbobonc. Letter from Elsderth (#1)  News of his death  d.1021 (#36)

Torm Touchberry [81-91, 93, 96-97 ] Elf thief. Rescues Gad Gadling (#82) Returns from winter in Hydincall (#86) Fighting Goblins (#87-88) Missing from Eding (#89)  Missing from The Goblin War (#90) Confirmed desertion (#91), Trial and Punishment (#93) Release from his sentence, joins militia (#93) Sergeant of the Eding Militia (#96) Sergeant-in-Arms (#97)

Utte [22] - Shepherd of Taux On-Er

Velandro [95- 98] Cleric of Akana from Ispatlia.  Mission from Archbishop (#96)  Back from the dead! (#98)

Velmar [69] - Historian for the Guardians of Apotheosis.

Vesikant [26, 32, 34] - Green Dragon of Nauzlanti - first mentioned in Celeste's letter (#26) Cat and Mouse with Order of Merit (#34)

Viesbustus  [51] Translator for the Heroes of Enerk.

Villenea [7] - Long Dead King of Wyrmnal

Watty [34] - Trusted lackey of Anghalm Zhule.

Westin Mori [62] - Count of Devarnish

Whit [13-14] - Owner, Griffon's Cove Inn

Wilfrick of Verbobonc [27, 36-38, 52] - Viscount of Verbobonc, Kingdom of Ras-Prythax - A Return Letter to Elsderth (#27), Lunch with Elsderth (#36), Funeral of Krugraf (#38), Death d.1028 (#52)

Wilhelm [19] - Landless Count in Ras-Prythax, husband of Dagmar.

Sir William of Arinka [97-98]  - Crown Prince of Aragain, stops Athelstane/Iris Wedding (#98)

Winston Maless [68] - Traveling Cad.

Witch of Eding [70, 76-83, 85-86, 88, 90, 92, 95-96, 98-99 ] - mystic guardian/threat to Eding.  lives in shack near Hydincall River.  Recruits Cesmir, Zoog, and Iris. (#76)  Ferula Bloodgood passes d. 1052 (#79) Protector of the Nightwood.  History Revealed (#80) Arrangement with Sellman (#83)  Correspondence with unknown ally (#85)  Missing from The Goblin War (#90) Caton Beauvau passes away d.1061 (#90) Death of Lander Mertens d.1061 (#90) Visit by Elswyth (#92)  Relationship with Caton (#92) Visit by Kane (#96) Spider-Person Wedding (#98)  Retirement (#99)

Wolbodo Puddlefoot [88] - Halfling militia Captain of Welldale

Xanthan Butrain - Baron of Willip

Yorin/Yorick- [32-33] - Leader of Nauzlanti, Pirate Captain.  His impenetrable palace (#33)

Yota Barthey [47] - 1st Sorcerer-King of the 1st Ferasean Empire

Zhamthrul [45] - Beholder, 2nd in Command of Ithillid Scientific Expedition to Burrok.

Zoog [77-79, 81-83, 97] - Half-Orc Caravan guard, rescued Hob Gadling (#77) Back to caravan work (#79) Returns to Eding to adventure c.1060 (#81) Rescues Gad Gadling (#82) Leaves Krull&Company (#83) See Emmanuel de Zoog 

Afiny - City (    , Danaan)  Capital of Danaan

Algyros - Village (Akro, Danaan)
Amberstoll Citadel - Fortification (Amberstoll, Sandomir, The Weissmach) Capital of Amberstoll
Argive - City (Argivia) Capital of Argivia
Asimenio - Village - (Akro, Danaan)  beautiful seaside village.

Ayge - Town  (Draloite, Crosedes)

Baznica (Gardzniek, Regan)
Belneftekhim - Town (Javam, Nevskia)
Betend - Town (Furstenum, Ras-Prytaxh) Caravan town.
Buckkett - Village (Valkurl, Ras-Prythax)
Burrok - Village (Pellister, Argivia) Gnome mining town
Caltaran   (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)

Coolspring - Village - (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Cragcross Castle - Fortification, free (Furstentum, Ras-Prythax)
Dolksford - Village (Illefarn, Wyrmnal) Capital of Illefarn
Dremman - Town (Marholm, Wyrmnal) Capital of Marholm
Dunzig - Town (Markovia)
Eastguard     (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Eding - (Athelstane, Crosedes)
Elmshire - (Crosedes)
Enerk Tower - (Hermetus)  see Krasimir Tower
Feldkurton   (Korbon -1022, Greyhawk 1022- , Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Feraso City  (             , Ras-Prythax)  Capital of Ras-Prythax
Fresklun - City - (Devernish, Ras-Prythax)
G'ba - Goblin - (Crosedes) Independent City in the Nightwood Forest
Greenfalls - Village (Markovia)
Griffon's Cove - Village (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Hauptstadt - (Fürstentum, Ras-Prythax)
Hearth - Town (Ferrand, Crosedes) Capital of Ferrand
Helega - City (Henesdalir, Wrymnal) Port
Herensk - Village (Willip, Ras-Prythax)
Hommlet - Village (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Hydincall - City (        , Crosedes)  Capital of Crosedes
Illefarn - Ancient Dwarven Mine (Illefarn, Wyrmnal)
Ironkeep - Dwarven town (Markovia)
Jarl - Town (Valkurl, Ras-Prythax)
Khurin-Azur - Dwarven Citadel
Krasimir Tower - (Hermetus)  see Wandsregal
Krigsgrave - Village (Sandomir, The Weissmach)
Kyskmoen - Village (Brandholm, Wyrmnal)
Lansluck - Village (Crosedes)
Lowadle - Halfling Village (Crosedes)
Manhoffen - Capital (Markovia)
Mechitbayeva - Village (Hermetus)
Naulantzi - Port  (Regan)  Pirate Town
Nav-Bodu - (Trevodich, Nevskia)
Norrvik - City (Wyrmnal)
Nulb - Village (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Nobquin's Keep -     (Ferrand, Crosedes)
Omsjik - Free Town (Crosedes)
Oshpenchin - Village (Oppollo, The Weissmach)
Pellister - Town (Argivia)
Perpignon - Town (Crosedes)
Reisenhain - Town (Vrianios, Ras-Prythax)
Rowand City - City (Rowand, Crosedes)
Rynehurst - Village (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Schattenwuf - Village (Furstentum, Ras-Prythax)
Sheagov - Village (Sheagov, Nevskia)
Taymouth - town (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Temtom - village (Valkurl, Ras-Prythax) Mining village.
Terstein - city (Ostverk, Ras-Prythax)
Valgard Port (Wyrmnal)
Veles - Town (Argivia)
Verbobonc City  (Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax)
Wandsregal (Hermetus)

Warka - Dwarven Mining Town (Javam, Nevskia)
Welldale - Halfling Village (Crosedes)
Westhaven (Ras-Prythax)
Wharfshare -Fishing Village (Ras-Prythax)
Willip City - City (Willip, Ras-Prythax) Capital of Willip.

Akro (Danaan) Province of
Amberstoll (Sandomir-Weissmach)
Argivia  (Royal Republic)
Barthey, Empire of
Brandhom (Wyrmnal)
Cyrum, Kingdom of  - Part of the Five Kingdoms
Devarnish (Ras-Prythax) County of
Enstead (Free)
Feraso , 1st Empire
Feraso, 2nd Emprie (est. 487)
Frakyia (Barthey)

Fürstentum (Ras-Prythax) Principality,  8 internal baronies.
Gardzneik (Regan)
Greyhawk (Ras-Prythax) Dominion of 1022,  Barony of
Henesdalir (Wyrmnal)
Illeforn (Wyrmnal)
Ilvablight - Home of the Snow Elves
Javam (Nevskia) Barony of
Kavaria (Talmark) Dominion of - Former name for Kingdom of Nevskia.
Khemmet, Kingdom of
Khurin-Azur - Dwarven Citadel
Korbon (Ras-Prythax) Barony of
Marholm (Wyrmnal)
Markovia, Kingdom of
Markovia, (Ras-Prythax) Gran Duchy of
Myridius - Crusader City-States of
Nitrava (Ras-Prythax) Bishopric of
Oppollo (The Weissmach) Gran Duchy of
Osteverk (Ras-Prythax) Duchy of

Oświęcim (Weissmach) Duchy of
Parthia, Empire of
Regan (Free) Gran Duchy of
Rhoona (Ras-Prythax) Duchy of
Rowand (Crosedes) Count of
Sandomir (Weissmach) Duchy of    -  Ten Citadels of Sandomir (10 baronies)
Sheagov (Nevskia) Dominion of
Talmark, Knights of
Toszek (Weissmach) Duchy of
Trevodich (Nevskia) Principality of
Valkurl (Ras-Prythax) Barony of
Verbobonc - (Ras-Prythax) Viscounty of
Vlachia - Kingdom of
Vrianios - (Ras-Prythax) Gran Duchy of   - Ten Baronies within.
Willip - (Ras-Prythax) Theocratic Barony of
Yarbay -
Zator (Weissmach) Duchy of'

Delimbra River - Illefrarn, Wyrmnal
Serrault River - Verbobonc to Catalan
Velvderdaya River
Calebron River
River Wultha - northern flowing river covering most of Ras-Prythax.  (Argivian name = Prythax)
Hydincall River
Lake Apotheosis

Mer Bal
Mer Medi
Mer Nor
Starfall Channel

Brinkerburg - Valkurl and Mer Nor
Gnomelands of Kron
Mount Limpo - Argivia
Needlespire - Dannan

Kalevalean Peninsula -
Donick's Plain - flat grassy area in Amberstoll.  Site of famed battle with General Balfas.

Akana - God of Law and Order - State Religion of most countries on Talaishia.
Farmesk - God of War
Kanar - God of Chaos, The Dark One
Surku - God of Death, Lord of the Worms
Yotia -  God of Magic and Wizards
     - Midnight: small subcult of Yotia


Xellnic or Xellesitic
Zeus - God of Thunder

Ruslav Mythos
Dzebag - God of Sun, Fire.

Cult of the Dragon (Nauzantil) - Led by High Priest Sost.  Primarily worships Tiamat.
Rock Cults of Galmar (see Temple of Elemental Evil)
Vihlula of the Flame (see Temple of Elemental Evil)
Lentvar Horde  (Orcish horde in Nevskia, early first days of the First Fereasena Empire.  Creation of the half-orc or Purvmone.
Magnus Horeguard - Large Cavalry unit protecting Vrianios.  Will not go into Sotet Forest
Willip Crusaders
Tilverton Lancers
Guardians of Apotheosis
Alasku - name of ancient pre-Ancient village near Eding.  Druidic name for the general area.
Nightwood Forest -
Verbobonc Lancerscol
Autumnmoor Estate - previous to Chateau d'Echelon.

Iron Citadel - black iron citadel located deep in the Nightwood Forest.  Currently controlled by the Church of Akana.

Trafitir TalusCeli (Tavern on the Far Road) Nav-Bodu in Nevskia.

Greyhawk Manor - Home of the ruler of the Dominion/Barony of Greyhawk, Verbobonc, Ras-Prythax.

Mountainhammer Cottage

The Ugly Prince Tavern - Roadhouse in Nitrava.
Fluffy Cashew - Pub in Mechitbayeva, Hermetus. Known for their plum drinks.
Fallen Timbers Tavern - Lost road stop before the Iron Woods.
The Welcome Wench - Hommlet.
The Rose and Gauntlet - Tavern  in Dunzig, Markovia
Blue Wizard Inn - Inn in Eding, Crosedes.

Dragonmen of Alasku

Draknor - giant volcanic subterranean being underneath the Needlespire Mountain near Pellister, Argivia.  Responsible for volcanic eruption which destroyed Pellister.

Rodents of Unusual Size:  Strange giant rodents with large pouches in their cheeks.  Live in burrows under the Nightwood Forest.
Troll-kin - odd "reverse trolls" from the Nightwood Forest.

Named Magic Items

"Fromm Tyre" 300 magic swords given out to the Gnome Titans who held back the Parthian Empire
"Taragarth" or "The Bloodblade" Dark blade with glowing runes.  Wielded by Ferasean Kings
"The Betrayer" -  Weapon of General Balfas - owned by Elsderth
"The Magic Sword of Obviousness" (AKA The Reverse Falchion) - owned by Gulli
"Blade of a Thousand Cuts" Dagger of Quickness
"Grieving Gauntlets of the Isles"
"Crystal of Farseeing" owned by Igushan the mage-adviser of Verbobonc"\
"Yule Log of Everburning"
"Bell of Chardastes"

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