
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 13, 2020

(Painting) G-Series Nightmare Variants from Legions of Steel

Continuing with some basic painting from Legions of Steel.  The Legions of Steel: Operation Anvil Kickstarter has about two weeks left and is only at two-thirds of its goal.  I've only put my dollar placeholder pledge in, so I need to figure out exactly what figures I'm interested in and kick up my pledge shortly. 

Following the often quoted, never followed rule, I'm trying to get at least one Kickstarter done before the next one finishes, I present more Nightmares from the Classic LOS Kickstarter I received over the Summer.

(L-R: G1C, G1A, and the regular vanilla G1 Nightmare)

The G1C Nightmare with Negasphere Generator is one of those figures that I never used when I regularly played.  My preferences are reinforced that the rules are only appeared in the original Advanced Rulebook and only appears in one of the unit types for the Machines (Command Unit). 

This projector unit creates a 2 meter diameter ball of negative energy. Once fired the "Nega Sphere" moves in the direction of launch until burning out or striking a large solid object such as a wall. It is carried by the G1C Nightmare variant.
G1C Nightmare with Negasphere Generator

The G1A Nightmare with Scattergun fires a spray of collapsed steel fletchette in rapid succession.  While it falls short of the United Nations of Earth blasters, it is still a remarkable upgrade of the traditional Deadbolt Launchers attached to standard Nightmares.
G1A Nightmare with Scattergun

I realized I made a mistake in not ordering a G1B Nightmare with Thumper Grenade Launcher.   I forgot that is doesn't just fire the usual Nachtmacher grenades, but Prometheus and Disruptor grenades as well.  Usually I can fare pretty well with the standard one Nachtmacher per Nightmare, so it wasn't a figure type I thought I needed to use.

I rarely mention my refurbs, but these fellas I picked up at a flea market a few years back.  Simple touch up on the paint jobs, with a few embellishments.   They might see action in pseudo Western horror game I never got time to run around Halloween.

Holy guacamole, I actually delivered on my "Painting on deck" from last week.  Will miracles never cease.

Basketball Diaries and Sportsball in General:  Flag Football is officially over.  It was a good experiment at the time when all other activities were non-existent, but with the onset of basketball, it was interfering with practices.  The first basketball game of the season was last night, so there will be a entire non-gaming post dedicated to that. The girls and the team didn't suffer the horrendous loss I feared, but there were too many big miscues and any chance of a tight game evaporated before halftime.   Despite the horrible uptick in COVID cases (and my wife working in a hot spot), proper precautions seem to rule the day at these sporting events, so I hope they can continue on through the Winter.

Beer!  The improvement on my alleged physical ailments is enough that I can enjoy the occasional beer.   Thank goodness, because my wife tortured me with numerous 4 -and 6-packs for our anniversary last month.  My goal is to accumulate the reviews into one post once I try them all, but that doesn't mean I can't offer a "Painting Bench Beer of the Week."

This week was Maple Mistress Ale from Saucony Creek Brewing out of Kutztown, PA.  

You try one hibiscus beer one time (and it was horrible), and that gave my wife carte blanche to pick up all the weird stuff.   I'm not one for fruity beers, much less overtly sweet, but the maple syrup flavor is noticeable with no horrific transition to or from the ale.  Not my cup of tea, but I'm drinking beer, not tea, so I'll take it.  

PSA: Don't put this on pancakes.

Project 350:  Trickling down to 521 (356/165) from 524 (357/167).   Another six scheduled posts will drop off by the end of the month, but will be quickly replaced with the Star Wars actual play write-ups that won't see the light of day until Christmas 2021!  

Like I just told an employee, everything in life is a balancing act.  

Next:  Gnomish Space Marines moving to the front of the queue!  Zombie Apocalypse Survivors!  That damned Nauvoo Legion!

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