
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, November 23, 2020

(Painting) Look at the Flowers

I didn't anticipate getting any painting done, but after a weekend of yard work and the girls' basketball, I got some time at the painting bench and knocked out two small figures.

BG-APC105-6 The Kids - Henry and Lilly
The kids are Henry and Lilly, part of Brigade Games' Post-Apocalyptic Minis.   My daughter picked them out at Historicon 2019 at the same time she picked up a copy of Last Days, and said "Daddy, we should start playing this."
We've gotten one game done thus far. 

I love the game, but it just hasn't been on anyone's immediate radar, before or during COVID.  

With these tykes finished, I daresay that there's a Christmas game on the horizon.... with zombies

I also managed to snag a Sunday paper yesterday evening, not just for the pre-Black Friday sales flyers, but for fresh newsprint to cover the painting bench.   Our foster kittens have discovered the bench and wreaked havoc upon it.  I'm back to pouring it into a wastewater jug after each session, but the previous cat-induced spills, both water and basing material,  have given me a great opportunity to clean up and reorganize everything. 

I confirmed it needed it, as the earliest layer of paper covered the Patriots and Eagles in the Super Bowl! 
Yes, that's a tank up against the wall.  It's not even the tank I just got online...
After six years of my spice rack shelves, I finally decided to re-organize my paints to make regular colors quicker to reach.  My rainbow life is focused on drab colors and I've always had them at the four corners of my shelves.

I'm hoping it's easier for me to paint, and the spray cans dissuade the kittens from shenanigans (all of them are afraid of spray paint cans for some reason.  Let's hope that continues for awhile.  

NEXT:  Lots of role-playing actual play write-ups dominate my holiday weekend, but with a fresh and clean painting bench, I might work on that damned Nauvoo Legion that haunts my dreams.  The Gnomish Space Marines universe gets their first crime gang, and not one, but TWO tanks are in the long term pipeline.  

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