
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, December 19, 2020

(Gnome Wars) Unofficial Gingerbread Men Rules

Gingerbread Men  - Unofficial Rules for Gnome Wars by Mike Lung 

Gingerbread Men

 Maximum allowance for Gingy infantry is 12” per turn.
 Maximum allowance for Gingy Animal Cracker cavalry is 18” per turn. If charging, the receive
1d10 movement bonus.

Hand-to-Hand                          Figure Die for Melee
Unarmed Gingy Infantry                                     6 sided
Candycane Club infantry                                    8 sided
Gumdrop Throwers                                             6 sided
Mounted Licorice Lassomen                               8 sided. Special. See below.
Mounted Gingy with Hard Candy Stick Lances 10 sided
The player who initiates the H-to-H combat determines which figures engage which.
Figures must match 1-1 before matching them 2-1; you cannot have greater than 2-1.
Hand-to-Hand combat will occur when opposing Gnomes move within 2” of each other. All Gnomes
within 3” of the melee are ‘sucked in’ and will join the fight.

Gumdrop Hit Table
Distance Hit
Within 12”               4,5,6
Over obstacle              5,6
Into door/window          6
Gumdrop Thrower notes: Gumdrop Throwers can target one figure. The effect is immediate.

Mounted Licorice Lassomen
Some Gingies have mastered the use of licorice lassos which they use in melee while mounted. Instead
of charging into melee, the Lassomen fight in the following manner.
 If the Lassomen begin their turn within 6” of their opponent, they may throw their lassos at
their opponent in an attempt to snare their opponent. Roll 1d6. On a 4,5,6 the opponent is
tangle up. The Lassomen may then move their full move of 18” and drag their victims to death.
 Alternatively, the lassomen may move first and then attempt to lasso their opponent. Roll 1d6.
On a 4,5,6 the opponent is tangle up. During the Melee, other Gingy figures may engage the
capture opponent. If they do, their opponent fights with a -2 melee modifier.

Gumball Cannon
Some free Gingy communities have been known to arm themselves with Gumball Cannon. These huge
machines are dragged onto the battlefield by scores of gingies pulling licorice cables or pushing from
behind. The Gumball Cannon is activated by inserting a large disk that frees a huge spring like
contraption that is turned to add torque and power. The gumball is then released from its holding
chamber and shot out of a tube with great force bowling over enemies.

The Gumball Cannon has a range of 36”. All shots must travel 36” in a straight-line unless they hit a
large hard object. If they hit a large hard object without traveling the full 36”, the gumball ricochets off
the object and continues to travel until its full 36” move is complete.

The gumball Cannon cannot move and fire in the same turn. However, it may be rotated up to 30
degrees and still fire.

To fire, lay out a 36” straight edge from the barrel of the cannon to its intended target. Then roll, 2d10
of different colors. Designate on as left and the other as right before rolling. Subtract the lower die
value from the value of the higher die. The difference is the number of inches the stick is moved in the
higher dice’s direction.

If the gumball ricochets, repeat the above only measuring the remaining untraveled distance.
Any figure along the 1” wide path of the gumball is killed. Figures in the path may make a 1d6 saving
throw to jump out of the way. 4,5,6 the figure successful avoids the gumball and is moved out of the

Buildings or vehicles hit by the gumball are treated as they were hit by a Cannon.

Gumball Cannon Hit Table for Vehicles
Die Roll (1d20)                      Tank        Armored         Car Bike Tank
1-5                                      Destroyed    Destroyed         Destroyed
6-10                                    Damaged     Destroyed         Destroyed
11-15                                  Damaged     Destroyed         No effect
16-20                                  No effect      No effect          No effect

Special Rules
Liquid Death
 No Gingy unit may cross open water, milk or other liquid unprotected. They tend to dissolve
when wet. They may cross at bridges, stepping stones, or use boats as normal. 

 When confronted by an enemy spraying liquid (i.e., infamous Gnomish Milk Sprayers used for
crowd control), Gingies must make an immediate morale check rolling 2d6. On a roll of 7 or
better, the unit passes and may carry on as normal. On a roll of 6 or less, the Gingies run away in terror.

From Historicon 2013 - The Mike Lung Gallery #20, way back in the day...

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