
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, December 26, 2020

(Painting) A Few More Navuoo Legion, Refurbs, and a Chest

Recovery from the great Corovid has extremely slow and steady.  Physical activity isn't causing potential damage, rather it's completely taxing.  Christmas shopping has been laughable, my normal sprints into stores to finish in a few hours has turned into multiple days... and multiple naps.

I've been able to do two tasks without collapsing: wrapping Christmas presents and painting miniatures.

After much whining and gnashing of teeth, I have five more of my mythical Nauvoo Legion of the Theocracy of Deseret for Gnome Wars completed!

Southern Americans NCO (Center)  and four riflemen.

I already have trouble finishing handfuls of figures, much less painting "large" (10+) units.  The figures are clean and are easy enough to paint, I just happen to get distracted easily. 

Lucky for me, this week's distractions were simply refurbishing some minis I picked up at an HMGS con flea market.  
A little shiny, but any excuse to rebase and use Huge Minis grass tufts is worth it.

In my putzing around the shelves of the Kriget Rum, I re-discovered the Mordheim box set I had.  Another flea market find, the sprues are picked clean of body parts, but all the accessories (and stuff for the buildings are there.  It was as good a time as any to assemble a chest and paint it up real quick.

Finally, let's repaint one more figure, another flea market find with a group of Western figs.  Some needed basing or a touch up.  This one appeared to be living in meat grinder and needed some significant work.

NEXT:  Ten more figures for the Nauvoo Legion (and a write-up, finally!), Gnomish Space Marine... Gangers, and there's enough vehicle parts to start a junkyard.  Plus my first attempt at stripping minis.  

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