
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 4, 2020

(Painting) Garindan Bounty Hunter, My Other Brother Darryl, and Some Ominous Results

After the holiday weekend, my time on the painting bench was going great.  I was anticipating getting one, possibly two big projects off the table, but alas, the second half of the week brought a major distraction. 

This sci-fi plague doctor/Star Wars Garindan is actually a Bounty Hunter from Battle Valor Games. (If the website is down, check out Battle Valor's eBay Store.)  It was a free add-on during their Sci-Fi Dwarf Miner Warrior Kickstarter

And the zombie apocalypse range expands with a crossbow wielding dude.

Bo from the Brigade Games Post-Apocalyptic line

Project 350: Maintaining  519 (753/166)  from 519 (355/164).  All the material that was pending or the holiday finally posted, but unfortunately, there's a whole new buttload of material... and it's scheduled to post next Thanksgiving.   With that act of two steps forwards, two steps back, the entire month of December had 16 pre-written posts as of the 1st.  With the regular posts that come along, plus just moderate success in my projects, and not only will things fill out nicely, but I may exceed to 444 posts I did back in 2017.  I guess COVID did keep my eye on the blog.

Speaking of COVID, that was the distracting news this week.  My wife and I had positive test results on Wednesday, and further developing symptoms through today.  Nothing to be worried for as of yet, and I'm cleared to continue to work from home. It sucks, even for those who consider it "just a flu."  

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