
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 2, 2021

A Stark Realization

After what felt a like a decade, I have escaped the evil clutches of 2020, and I didn't even need an awesome motorcycle jump to do so!  Let's not recreate that year... EVER.

Whereas everyone else appears to benefit from the taking the entire week off between the holidays, I'm the low man on the totem pole for a short three-day.  Plus, who doesn't need to escape the family to an empty office in our COVID reality?  

That all being said, I came to a stark realization spending some actual quality time with the family. While discussing various projects (home, basketball, hobby), I heard these words uttered from my mouth to my wife's ears:

"I have enough stuff.  I need to paint it."

If I simply painted two measly figures a week for 2021, I don't think I would get the figures on "working" side of my painting bench finished, much less the disorganized mess on the right side, and we aren't even talking about the bins of minis on the shelves.

Let's not mention I was checking on the delivery status of an eBay purchase (Bob Olley Space Dwarves from the Simtac "Macho Women with Guns" line).  

This goes beyond the lead pile.  My bookshelves have been at capacity since we moved into the new house six years ago.  Every new rulebook, boardgame, Car Wars Kickstarter, and map project is now either precariously balanced, or, like the copies of Wars of Ozz and Last Days I'm staring at, sitting in a pile on the floor.  The normal "to-do" pile I leave on my desk has been supplanted by dual monitors for work. 

Of course, I could justify more things if I just played more games.  Working on that today.  

1 comment:

  1. My New Year resolution is to buy less of everything , play more with what I have and paint up what I already have - Hmmm well see how long this lasts !
