
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #7 - After Hugo Left

DM Notes:  With Hugo's cowardly betrayal, and the surprise appearance of Slothina with two unconscious comrades the following morning, it is right and proper for me to provide the story I gave Slothina's player, Nate before the next session.  I've only made a few edits, keeping with Slothina's speaking/writing/thinking style.

21 Mai 534, The Tomb of Zoltar, Outside of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
So, you were going around in circles in the woods, trying desperately to get back to Mere before the pursuing kobolds got smart.

Hugo shot up out of the treeline to find the right way back home, he spun around a few times and shot off like a rocket, leaving Slothina, Bodo, and Beulah in the woods with the kobolds circling.

The kobolds made one attempt to attack. From three sides, about a dozen creatures poured out of the woods towards your position.

Beulah was already hurt, and went down easy. (She might have already been knocked unconscious, I do forget). Bodo killed a couple of the creatures, before falling back to near you and your spinning maul. One or two kobolds tasted your weapon before they were crushed by it.

Tiring, Slothina's good eye could see more kobolds encroaching your last stand. Things were certainly not good.

Then a loud roar echoed through the forest. The kobolds took a few steps back in surprise, but mere seconds later, a giant boar came crashing through the forest. It plowed through a large group of kobolds, sending blood and body parts flying. The remaining kobolds attempted to flee but the boar was unusually fast, chasing each one down before trampling them to death. We the last guttural gasps of the dying kobolds, Slothina found some wits and tried to strap the wounded Beulah to the litter you had made for the treasure, all the while trying to push off a nearly catatonic Bodo (the bloodshed was quite severe).

The boar came back to your spot, agitated, blood soaked, and still looking for more... With a maul in your hand and your friends behind you, you stared down the beast, possibly even speaking/shouting/yelling at it.

After a few tense moments, the boar quizzically turned its head to the side, like a dog, straightened up, turned around, and sauntered off into the darkness.

With that, Slothina gathered Beulah and put her and the gong and dragged her back to town. Bodo was alive, but he seemed terrified, not saying a word and clinging as tightly around Slothina's leg as he could.

But almost none of that was revealed to Hugo, or the townsfolk. She arrived at the inn, after looking for a healer at the church, and the plight of the halflings directed the attention to their well-being... no one directly asked Slothina what happened out there after Hugo cowardly ditched them, and Slothina knew proper manners were to keep quiet until asked... anyway... it was Waffle Day at the inn!

More DM Notes:  The best part.  I wrote this up for an interesting plot twist, and Slothina never told a soul.... as of yet.

Next: #8 - Waffle Day!!!

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