
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 15, 2021

(Painting) The Hivers Gang

This week I completed a group of rogue gangers for my Gnomish Space Marine army/campaign.  Last week, I introduced Cawdor and Van Saar, today we add Escher and the Delaque Brothers.   I don't know where I might have gotten the inspiration to paint these guys from.

These Gnomish thugs are the Digger Corps Slayer Squad, now available at Macrocosm Miniatures.  Macrocosm's Sci-Fi Dwarves Command Squad Kickstarter is in the middle of its campaign and has successfully funded.

Escher, the Gang Leader
I did have a damaged pickaxe on Escher, hence the weird, intentionally unbalanced sword.
The Delaque Brothers, Blackie and Blondie

While I foresee some sci-fi games with these fellows using Pulp Alley or Savage Worlds, I'd really like to get things moving in Planet 28.  All the rules and supplements can fit in a half-inch binder (single sided) and still have a ton of room for unit rosters.  I was going to stat out the bunch, but I'll save that for another post down the road.  The best part, in reviewing the unit creation rules, I quickly created stats and point costs for weapons they're wielding (re: hand flamers), but are not listed in the equipment, because they actively encourage  and explain customization.  Point costs aren't this cryptic system I was plagued with, that only seemed to correspond with the monetary cost of the figure.

...and Cawdor and Van Saar from last week.

Project 350: I needed to relearn basic addition after these last few weeks.  We've dropped considerably 510 (339/171) from 526 (349/167), a significant drop, even before my math failure.  I cleaned up some of the old backlog.  I consolidated some of the far-future planned Pulp campaigns into one draft, especially after realizing all the links to the Lead Adventure Forums had changed.  Hopefully there will be a moderate snowstorm yet this winter where I can take some time and go through things and find the updated links.  I also cleaned out some pending artwork on the blog drafts and my phone and scheduled some new posts.  Most is in the far-off future, and this is currently a bit of a dry spell for scheduled posts actually posting. 

  • January (16 days left)  6 posts scheduled
  • February                      6 posts
  • March                          8 posts
For a blog that averages just over a post a day, it just means I need to focus on planned games and projects, with a hopeful dose of Kickstarters and amusing gaming news that pique my interests.

NEXT:  Now that I'm caught up with last month's GSM project, I've only got three projects for the second half of January.

  1. This month's Gnomish Space Marine Project
  2. Finish up the 10 figures left in the Navuoo Legion
  3. Finish a Hultr Half-Track from Mantic.  I've picked up four of these guys in the past month.
... and then there's those infernal games I need to play.


  1. There are GREAT! Look forward to seeing them in action - with whichever system you choose!

    1. Thanks Tim! They had too much character to paint up identical. Just bought new brushes, so I'm hoping the next batch is equal or better.
