
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 8, 2021

(Painting) Introducing the Hivers

The first week of the new year is complete, and I may actually be alive.  I've properly rested, I've recovered from some secondary infections, I've laughed a lot, and even shoveled some heart attack snow without any issues. 

I can also chalk up painting miniatures, even though the full squad isn't quite ready yet.  

In the Gnomish Space Marine universe, not all Gnomes/Space Dwarves are part of the military establishment.  Others run the seedier corners of life, where things can be far crueler than any battlefields.  Sure, these gangs have been pressed into GSM service from time to time, but the individuals are just too violence-prone for the military.  

Let me introduce two members of the Hivers gang, Cawdor and Van Saar

These are two the five miniatures in the Digger Corps Slayer Squad, now available at Macrocosm Miniatures
You can probably guess the theme for the other three, who, like by Nauvoo Legion for Gnome Wars, are *that* close to completion.  I think I need a weekend alone, medical clearance for a beer or two, and the post-holiday resumption of my favorite podcasts to just clear the table

Project 350:  516 (349/167) up from 510 (346/164).  A new wave of holiday jpgs have been added to future holiday posts.  Star War Actual Plays are essentially caught up, with just a few details to review next session.  I've misplaced my thumb drive that pulled off my old hard drive full of Burning Trogs Redux material, so that project may be shelved TBD. Heck, I've even gotten some reading done on my long-overdue book review.  

Next: The last three gangers, the Nauvoo Legion, and a formidable armor platoon in 32mm

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