
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, February 14, 2021

(Kickstarter) I Remember When All This Was Trees #ZineQuest3

Despite all my collected gaming knowledge and trivia, I only discovered the concept of the solo-LARP this year.  

Single-Player LARP have been around for awhile, but after listening to the What am I Rolling? Podcast run a game of Twain, it can be quite intense, incredibly introspective, and far more emotional than you might anticipate.  Depending on your state of mind, and the subject matter of the game, not all of these games might not be appropriate.

I probably missed a few of these solo LARPs during #ZineQuest3, but as I've often used the statement, "I remember when all this was corn!" to my kids,  I needed to investigate any game called I Remember When All This Was Trees by Destiny Media.

From the Kickstarter:
You've always've always known that you were different. Not entirely of this realm. Now, you can confirm it, and strengthen your ties to this other realm.

This collection of instructions, suggestions, poems and writings will immerse you and allow you magick to reconnect with your true form.

In the forest, in the country, in the city, you can always connect. Find the beauty, be the beauty. You are the magick.

You're half awake, half in a dream: one form, in two places. You are from some other where, some other how.

This is not some Mad Libs/Choose Your Own Adventure game in the open air, although elements of those are as apparent as in any other RPG.  And unlike the other ones I've seen, this game may allow for multiple participants collaborating in their own solo journeys.  

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