
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

(Kickstarter) REBEL SCUM by 9th Level Games #ZineQuest3

ZineQuest 3 on Kickstarter has gone off like gangbusters.  I can safely say that dozens of campaigns have been launched.   Perhaps I'm too particular, but I have certain concepts of what a true zine should be.  I think my concept of zine is more akin to a partially cleaned up ashcan edition, so anything with extra color and style throws me off.

REBEL SCUM by 9th Level Games is one of these offerings.  I like the concept, I like 9th Level Games (of Kobolds Ate My Baby fame), but full-blown color and polish just throws me off.   

And yes, even they know they're rebelling against the rebellious nature of 'zines by going professional, they say it right in the campaign description.  I also know that the original KAMB is about as 'zine and small press as it can get.  

That doesn't mean I won't ponder the $10 for the pdf and $15 for pdf and print.  Heck I won't say that I can't ponder the add-ons either, although presentation is too slick (one of the later ZineQuest3 projects I'll post tomorrow handles it much better.).

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