
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, February 13, 2021

(Kickstarter) Rocket to Russia #ZineQuest3

In the middle of February, there are a ton of #ZineQuest offers currently on Kickstarter.  I've done my best to cover the campaigns that at least interest me. 

One that I've been been forced to reconsider for promotion and pledging is Rocket to Russia by John "Hambone" McGuire.

From the Kickstarter:
Rocket is played using the brand new 3,2,1...Action! RPG system where the focus is always on story and fun over physics. Have you ever watched a scene in your favorite action movie and wondered how you could make it work in an RPG? Have you ever wanted to drop a Macho Man elbow on some Martians? Or fire a rocket launcher while jumping off a skyscraper? Now you can!

Action makes it simple with rules that run off a single d10. Just let the Game Runner know what you want to do and make it so with just one roll. 3,2,1...Action! is for everybody. And it’s the perfect system for cinematic storytelling, whether it's ‘80s Action, Crime Drama, Haunts, Heists, Mysteries, Sci-Fi Space Operas or Weird Westerns — 3,2,1...Action! has got you covered.

With some shameless self-promotion on the Vintage RPG Podcast, which he McGuire hosts, I was forced to look at the campaign again, and I found the only criteria that threw me off was pricing.   He packaged the pdf with the audio book version of Rocket to Russia for ten bucks, fifteen for the print, pdf, and audio.   A bit slicker than the usual 'zine games, hence the increased price. 

And while you're reading this, definitely check out the Vintage RPG Podcast.  It's a quick (20 minutes) and enjoyable venture into old-school and contemporary games.  I've had issue with the 60-minute podcasts stretching out into the 90+ minute mark and the hosts becoming intolerable and ignorant.  If I can survive two guys from Jersey spouting off about gaming, anybody can.

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