
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mepacon 40 is Staying Virtual!

 Lordy, Lordy, Mepacon is 40! 

Mepacon is the local weekend gaming convention for Northeastern Pennsylvania.  After relocating to just down the road from my house, the wonders of COVID hit and things have been virtual ever since.  

The Spring edition of the convention will April 16-18 and it will be the 40th incarnation of the con.

Normally that spells a chance for great celebration (and it should be my birthday weekend), but it happens to be the weekend before our multi-million dollar sales database goes live.  

What a drag it is getting old.  

I know I'm getting old, because BOTH daughters would now be charged admission to get into the con. 

At this point I certainly don't mind paying for the whole family, but it's now a nostalgic longing for the days of when they were small.... and a pining for face-to-face gaming so they can properly learn from their copy of Kobolds Ate My Baby.

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