
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 19, 2021

(Painting) Deathsquads and Their Destinations

Let's be real, with a million Space Dwarves packed up in their original shipping boxes, we're not sticking with one paint scheme, when there's so much material to play with. 

In the Gnomish Space Marine Universe, not everyone is a GSM.  Planetary Governors loved to trickle military-grade equipment to the locals constabulary.  It's repainted, refurbished, and reappropriated, usually not for the betterment of the community.  After the first batch of Space Dwarves were painted in a traditional Squat style, I'll paint a few as local police 

Nothing says abuse of power for local law enforcement, or a corrupt Brazilian-styled Death Squad, than an armored personal carrier.  I'm sure one of the Hultr Half-Tracks might be re-purposed, but for now an Armored Recon Car from Battle Valor will do.  

As a recon vehicle, it's a fast little tin can, chock full of sensors. 
The small Hultr Half-Track still dwarfs the recon car.
 In the narrow streets of sci-fi police work, it should normally be the toughest thing encountered.

The gnomish police tactical (death)squad that will accompany this vehicles will be done next, followed by some armed religious fanatics and a few Gnome Wars "personalities" to hopefully round out the month.

In grabbing the recon car out my recent Battle Valor order, I also pulled out the cheap tombstone pack and knocked them out. 
ACC 001 Tombstones
I got 14 of the 15 knocked out in no time flat. The final one has some odd detail to it, so I inked it to figure out how it needs to be painted.

I also the old phot board a much needed new layer of flocking.  Of course,  I purchased spray glue instead of spray adhesive, so 

Project 350: 499 (326/173)  from 502 (328/174).  Finally under 500!  There's not magic pill to get my combined scheduled blog posts and drafts back down to 350 total:  Keep my RPG Actual Plays current and actually play some miniatures games from the to-do list.  If I drop dead tomorrow, I won't break 100 scheduled posts until the beginning of next year, so it's important to work through the backlog of drafts and ideas I've stowed away.   

Two fun facts only I will appreciate:  Back in November  2013, waxed poetically about the burden of having 27 blogs drafts cluttering things up behind the scenes.

The big actual play for episode #30 of my Star Wars d6 campaign from last Monday night is scheduled to post on March 1st.... 2022!  The struggle is real!

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