
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 5, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Commando Squad

It's a proud day in the my Gnomish Space Marine (GSM) Universe.  I've painted vehicles, aircraft, and individual characters for the GSM, but this week I finally completed the first step to an army:  a squad  of figures.  

The box from the Battle Valor Space Dwarf Kickstarter is on the top of my Space Dwarf pile, so I'll be knocking out four figures at a time. 

Here's my initial GSM Commando Squad, a Command Squad that was a freebie in the campaign.

Dwarf Command Squad from Battle Valor Games
Pretty easy to paint, a couple of flash lines to clean up, and I can tolerate this paint scheme for some base soldiers.  

Sooner or later, we'll get these guys on a table and we'll continue play around with the Planet 28 rules.

If you look at the feet of the troops, you can see one of the two wooden dock pieces I assembled and splashed paint on this past week.  I have MBA stone docks, but the opening scene for Season Four of the Pulp game calls for rickety docks, so crafts sticks from Michael's it is!

I also did some sizable touch up on a single Ruga-Ruga (?) that I picked up from an HMGS flea market.  Putting him on the shelf with the other native rifles provided me a further idea for the Pulp Season Three finale. 

Project 350:   504 (328/176) from  508 (333/175) - The flurry of #ZineQuest3 Kickstarters kept this past week full of material, and a recent discovery of notes from my Burning Trogs Redux campaign forced some rewrites and ultimately gave me two more Actual Plays for the distant future.

Next: A few random individual figures, more GSM Space Dwarves, and per indirect request, regardless of common knowledge, something you should not expect...

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