
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 26, 2021

(Painting) GSM - The Chimneysweeps

The end of February has finally arrived, and I'm satisfied with my painting production.  It's not the mad, last-second dash to finish up units for a Cold Wars game satisfaction, but it's been a quite acceptable flow getting units off the table. 

The final painting post for the month is the third squad/vehicle for the Gnomish Space Marines (GSM).  Following up on the last GSM theme, here are The Chimneysweeps.  

The Chimneysweeps are a local police force gone wrong.  Armed to the teeth with GSM/Planetary Defense Force military surplus, these folks do as they please, so long as it doesn't attract the "real" proper authorities.   Shaking down the locals, and going to extreme ends to maintain control, certain factions of the police are far more ruthless than others.   Following the lead of their armored assault, err.. recon vehicle, they shake down anyone with extra credits in their pockets, be it innocent citizen, or criminal element not already paying them off.  

SCI-FI 118 Dwarf Infantry Squad 1 
These guys are stock Space Dwarf Infantry I from Battle Valor games.  I found the paint scheme on Ninjabread's Furnace Valley Squats, from, on all things, Pinterest.  It's not exact, but I do like the worn and pitted helmet look. 

I've got to admit, that looks pretty darn good. 

Project 350:  503  (325/178) from 499 (326/173).  There was some initial headway made, but I cleaned off my phone of some interesting items.  Luckily, I'm not adding future holiday posts for 2033, rather I now have pending posts spaced through till St Patty's Day, with room set aside for AARs and painting.

Next: Gnomish Space Marine Heavy Weapons will make an appearance, the last of the minis to immediately refurbish, and a very special multi-national group of bounty hunters for Gnome Wars, plus some time to delve into some terrain projects I foolishly thought I could finish in February.  Hopefully, something unanticipated catches my eye and I go off-plan for something neat. 

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