
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 12, 2021

(Painting) Nobody Expects This From Me...

I was quite pleased with the response to the success of the Gnomish Space Marines last week... but now for something completely different.  

Complete with Comfy Chair, PULP20 The Armed Inquisition
Thanks to an off-the-cuff comment by Bashytubits on TMP on my Nauvoo Legion thread, I simply needed to go through my Battle Valor Kickstarter and pull out the Spanish Inquisition I had ordered.  

Sorry folks, no designs on the fabric of the Comfy Chair.  Years of torture and lower lumbar support must have worn them all off.  Oh, if they had not have killed everyone who could reupholster the chair!  Those horrible soft cushions!

And even on a week full of kid's basketball, software testing at work, and general craziness, I managed to eek out two individual figures.
This is Betty Anne McSweeney, currently available as part of FC-05 Street Violence boxed set from Foundry.  When I acquired her at an HMGS flea market, she was a single figure in a carded Foundry blister. so that might correspond with code VIN62 found on this blog with her given name, Elizabeth Anne.

I also worked on a single Zulu warrior.  I had originally worked on him during the Hobby University Paint 'N Takes at one of the HMGS cons.  I didn't do a bad job, except the selection of (free) Reaper paints wasn't all that great, and I made the poor decision to attempt a dark red wash.  Needless to say, it was placed on my "refurbish" pile, but I needed to completely repaint the figure, save his red shield.  
I'll use him as a special character for an upcoming campaign project, involving an entire Warlord boxed set of plastic Zulus.  They'll be painted much more accurately, even though they're standing in as "Angry African Natives" for the game.  
And with that, I'm up to a whopping 51 figures painted in the last four and a half months.  Not too shabby, considering I painted 51 figures for the previous twelve months before that.  None of that is helping my lead pile, since I placed another Battle Valor order, which should arrive today, along with the handy 80-figure Chessex Carrying Case that arrived on Wednesday, specifically for the growing horde of Gnomish Space Marines.  

Project 350:  The tiny move from 502 (328/174) from 504 (328/176) is deceptive, as I've already completed eight February projects (and five of my seven outstanding projects can't be written about because they have yet to occur.  With back-to-back cancelations, my Star Wars actual plays are officially caught up and guarantee I should have my usual Tuesday morning material for the next 53 weeks!

Next:  More humorous Battle Valor figures have been pulled out, right next to the next batch of GSM, , some Gnome Wars, and some terrain pieces I need to start on to complete a successful February of projects.

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