
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, February 1, 2021

Snow Day!

It must be February, because we're at the epicenter of some Polar Vortex Blizzard Narwhal mating ritual, expected to get between 12"-24" over a period of 48 hours.  It's not the worst storm ever, but my wife braved the drivable conditions this morning to get to work.  

The rest of us are trapped in the house (Virtual work and school care not for crappy commutes, even if the dog had an accident in the hall you walk from the bedroom to the office.)

The good news is I think we can call it a short day.  The boss already threw his back out shoveling, the morning meetings went smoothly, and after some systems testing this afternoon, I can call it a day.  Good thing too, as I have a boatload of research to finish for my Star Wars d6 game tonight.

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