
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

(Gnome Wars) Los Cuatro Gnomos Solitarios

When Brigade Games released the American Gnomes for Gnome Wars, they included a few special characters, including figures for "Iron Brigade"

Between random figures purchases and some paint-and-takes, I've picked up some of the Iron Brigade.  Certainly not enough for a unit, but enough to make special characters for my version of Gnome America.  

I present, the Four Lone Rangers:

Captain Jack Dinero - Legends somehow place Captain Jack Dinero in the Union Army during the Gnomish Uncivil War.  Others place him as a highwayman, waylaying the settlers traveling the wilderness. Even other tales claim he was such a proficient warrior as a boy, he earned a Sioux name.    When he's not helping those he deems worthy, he finds space in a local prison for shelter.  Everywhere you travel on either side of the Mississipp, those residents claim he's been there. He once shot a man in Deseret, just to watch him die.

Weapons: Sword and Short-gun (treat as blunderbluss with three double-shots before three-round reload). 
Presence:  If working with a unit, Captain Jack can act as an officer for morale purposes for up to two units within 24" from him. 

The Ring of Fire:  If entering melee against more than one figure, Captain Jack will fire hits short-gun, hitting on a 2+.   Short-gun is immune to it's ammo rules while Ring of Fire takes effect.  In one-on-one melee, he simply rolls a d10 for his sword, no gun fire.
This figure is not listed on the Brigade Games online store

Blain Landham;  This ex-Imperial Guardsman from California is known for his keen shot.

Weapon: Long Rifle

Clear Shot, Long Shot: If Blain did not move this turn, and his target is not in cover, Rifles ranges are extended 6" (example: a 3+ shot would be a range of 1"-18").  This ability does not combine with Sniper.

Sniper:  If Blain is under heavy cover and has line-of-sight for the target, he ignores any cover modifers.  This ability does not combine with Clear Shot, Long Shot.

Ain't Got Time to Bleed:  If Blain is shot, and not other allied figure is 6" or less near him, he may attempt to self heal, like a medic (4+ on d8 to pop back up and continue fighting).  He may do this every round.  The figure is removed from the game is the roll is failed.
BG-GAWAN34 Gnome Wars Northern Americans (Union) Iron Brigade Riflemen Advancing

Colt Lee Winchester:  This C.S.S. deserter wanders the West. Unlike the others, Colt is simply motivated by money.  Lucky for the people who hire him to help, he's been known to accept a Canadian Bermuda Ha'penny from a child who needed his assistance. 

Weapon:  Musket, as per Southern Gnome Stats.

Presence, Y'all:  If working with a unit, Colt can act as an officer for morale purposes for one unit within 12" from him.  This unit must be C.S.S./Southern for the first three rounds of the game, and any nationality thereafter.

At Home in the Country: Colt ignores movement penalties in wooded areas.  Wooded areas are  treated as heavy cover.

BG-GAWAN35 Gnome Wars Northern Americans (Union) Iron Brigade Riflemen Firing

Crockett Ray Tubbs:  Not a Texas Ranger, as the legends state, merely a retired Texican Infantryman, righting wrongs 

Weapon:  Musket, as per Southern Gnome Stats.

This Ain't My First Rodeo;  If Crockett defeats any cavalry in hand to hand, he may decided to mount the animal and ride as normal.  

Back-Stabbers at the Alamo: If Crockett engages in melee from the rear of a figure, he rolls d8+1 for the attack and "Sucked In" rules do not apply
BG-GAWAN35 Gnome Wars Northern Americans (Union) Iron Brigade Riflemen Firing

Suggestions/Revisions for these guys would be greatly appreciated.

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