
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, March 5, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Heavy Support Team

Work is insane, the kid's basketball is crazy with Winter and Spring ball up and running, yet I dodged a bullet with minimal water from the flash thaw this week. 

And among all that, I got some stuff painted.  

Continuing to go through my Battle Valor Space Dwarf Kickstarter, today the Gnomish Space Marines get some extra firepower, with a motley Heavy Support Team.

SCI-FI 114 Dwarf Heavy Support Team (5 figures)
Two problems with this pack.  First, the mold line goes right across the helmet and face of some of the figures.  I thought I had cleaned up all the flashing, but after a coat of primer and base coat, I was trimming again.  

Second, I'm not quite sure what weapons they are armed with!  If I picked up one of these at a table, I would assume that they were sniper rifles. 
Except the line already has snipers in ghillie suits, plus some figures obviously armed with long-range lasguns. I'm going to assume these fellows are Heavy Lasers/Lasguns.  Looking into my future (Planet 28) and my past (Laserburn), Autolasers are the shoulder mounted variety, while Heavies are simply two-handers. 

This fellow is pretty similar to a Heavy Stubber by 40k standards. 
And a plasma gun/projector for this young fellow.  
Fun fact: In Planet 28's basic rules, all three weapons technically have identical stats. 

I touched up a Pulp figure and a mousling that was a lone casualty of a previous flood.  The only other painting I completed was that odd skull and bones pile on the base in all the pictures.  That completes the Battle Valor graveyard set.  I can at least say they'll see use in the remaining games of the Pulp campaign. 

I'm perusing the 40k Squat groups on social media, plus some recent Laserburn books I've acquired to try to establish some consistent paint schemes for the helmets

Yellow - Command or Commando
White - Medic
Red - Infantry 
Blue - Support
Green - Scouts

Project 350: 501 (326/175), down from 503 (325/178).  I've used some of the back-catalog of humorous pictures, but I am behind two Actual Plays for Star Wars d6, I already have next week's painting all drafted up, thanks to all the links, and I still need to play Pulp #3.11 and #3.12 before basketball swallows my soul until June.  Then we might stay under 500. 

Next:  Special Gnome Wars Characters with stats! Mouslings! More Battle Valor Space Dwarfs!  Pulp Alley League Prep! Other sci-fi!

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