
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

(Planet 28) Gnomish Space Marine Stats, Part 1

Part of the process with the Gnomish Space Marines is to eventually play them, be in skirmish or full-fledged battles.  I'm using Planet 28 for the rules.  Planet 28 appears light enough and begs for some rules expansion.   It's my first time fiddling around with the rules, so I know I've done something wrong, or customized something the wrong way.  I've only had a quick perusal for the Death Machines vehicle supplement, and beyond a desire for a slightly expanded weapon list, I think I'm overcompensating for things, so the point costs might be lower.  

Average Gnomish Space Marine  (100pts)
Hardened by the harsh life on mining colonies.  Stunted by tremendous gravity, Gnomish Space Marines are the best of the best for their kind.  While some GSM can be found outside their system fighting with a plethora of weaponry, the average Marine fights relatively soft targets, and are happy to rely on the tried and true stubbers to defend Gnome-kind.
Shooting: 5 
Fighting:  5
Agility: 4
Hit Points: 20
Speed:  10cm
Slow (-1d6 Move) Iron Skin (+1d4 armor), Light Armor, Stubbers

Average Gnomish Paramilitary  (70pts)
Beyond the GSM, there are a number of "average" Gnomes still defending civilization at varying levels.  Low-grade Planetary Defense Force recruits, police and constabulary, and even armed militias have received military surplus gear and can be a suitable match against 
Shooting: 4 
Fighting:  4
Agility: 3
Hit Points: 20
Speed:  10cm
Slow (-1d6 Move) Iron Skin (+1d4 armor), Light Armor, SMG

Support Weapons
Anti-Matter Rifles (80pts)
Damage 1d12+6   30cm - two-handed, anti-material, volatile
The "Gnomish Can Opener" is used against armor and vehicles, although Gnomish technology has still not fixed the problem with the weapon randomly exploding in the face of the wielder.

Heavy Laser Rifles 
While many GSM eschew personal laser weapons, they are more than willing to lock-n-load against a larger threat with Heavy Laser Rifles.
Heavy Stubbers
Damage: 2d6+2  Range 40cm   Knockback
Great for crowd control or soft hordes.

Spartan Half-Track  (253 points)
Agility 4
Shooting 6
Medium Sized (Fighting 5 / 1d10 damage)
Battle Cannon (1d12+6 damage. 60cm range)
Ground  Vehicle (15cm movement)
Crew, Armor Plating x3, Turret Hard Point, Transport Section x1 (six figures), Radio

Gnomish  "Doorcrasher" APC (189 points)
Agility 5
Shooting 4
Medium Sized (Fighting 5 / 1d10 damage)
Medium Machine Guns (6d6* damage, 40cm range)
The APC is primarily used for crowd dispersal versus soft targets Therefore, through training and ordinance, must machine guns' damage dice must be distributed against at least three targets for no more than 2d6 on any of them.  
Ground  Vehicle (15cm movement)
Crew, Armor Plating, Turret Hard Point, Transport Section x2 (six figures), Smoke Launchers 

Overlord VTOL (310  points)
Agility 5
Shooting 6
Medium Sized (Fighting 5 / 1d10 damage)
Dual Heavy Stubbers x2  (3d6 damage, 40cm range)
Flying** Vehicle (25 cm movement) ** may hover at altitude, however, every odd turn (1st/3rd/5th/etc) that the vehicle is hovering, one action must be used for movement to maintain control
Crew x2, Armor Plating x1, Hard Point x2 , Hardened Crew, Turboboost

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