
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Birthday Swag

 Thank God I strive for a low-key birthday, because there's always something else added for fun.  

First off, Millie stayed home from school on Monday with what appeared to be the tail end of a concussion.  Not sure where exactly that happened during the tournament, but she complained of a headache, and had a few other concussion symptoms.  A little Tylenol, a lot of sleep, and she was moving around by dinner.  

Yesterday, both kids got on the bus for school, but within an hour the school nurse was complaining that Millie had COVID, or a serious concussion.  By 10:30 I was picking her up from school and alternating between doctor calls and conference calls for work.  Millie needs a doctor's note to clear her for school, so I've got to swing her by the pediatrician's office this morning.  

The worst part?  On a day I needed to make it into the office, Millie kept me home, and she admitted to my wife that she pulled a fast one on the nurse for today.  Thankfully, Monday still seemed legit, but we still need a doctors visit to clear her for school and basketball.  Joy. 

My wife did a good job hooking me up with Family or Group games:

  • On a Scale of One to T-Rex by Exploding Kittens
  • Monster Expedition by Amigo
  • ... and a second copy of Llamas Unleashed.  Good thing I found the receipt.  My wife will never need to know.
I also got the great addition to the garage, a much needed wheelbarrow.  About as generic as it comes, but this should be great for laying mulch, picking up the yard, and laying some compost to fix some drainage issues.

Add some ice cream cake, the hot sauce/bacon chicken dish my wife always makes for my birthday, and the Boise Ice Drakes winning their third straight Calder Cup on my NHL19 franchise mode, and it was a reasonable birthday, even if I still say I'm a year older than I actually am.

(Edit:  Swung by Barnes and Noble to return Llamas Unleashed.  Got some stuff for the kids, the latest edition of the Dungeon! board game, and a Chaos Team for BlitzBowl from the clearance section.  I'll take a glance at anything Games Workshop for ten bucks.)

(Edit #2:  Millie's clearance to return to school is short-lived, as I just got a call from the nurse that her entire class is quarantined for two weeks.   I'm sure the kids have learned something this year, so there's no way in hell I'm declaring a do-over,  but I'm officially done with the school for this year.)

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