
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, May 26, 2022

(Georic Gazetteer) Kingdom of Markovia, Circa 1150

The Kingdom of Markovia
Pantheon: Norse, with pockets of Akana and Guya
Ruler:  King Robert von Manhoffen III
Capital:  Manhoffen (40,000)
Other Cities: Dunzig, Greenleaf, Ironkeep, Rapleye, Suscana
Language: Prythax, Dwarven
Flag/Emblem:  A quartered flag of black and white, the black with golden lions in the black.

Coinage:  Prythax standard
Important Personas: The Archbishop of Manhoffen, the only recognized Akana clergy, Grandus Hammerkith of Ironkeep, many minor nobles, merchants, and guild masters of the mining guilds.
Alliances:  Five Kingdoms (trade), Western Wyrmnal (trade)
Hostilities: Ras-Prythax
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Open warfare with Agenmoor Drow
Intrigues:   King Robert is terminally ill with no legal heirs to the throne, and six potential claimants are forming factions.  Robert supports Count Arnulf of Petriyye, Duke Baldwin of Sodrad, Duke John of Peastan, Lord Thierry of Drenthe, Guilllame of Astana, and even a claim for the Dwarven Lord Grandus Kammerkith.  Each of the mining guilds (Afgrund Mines and Grand Metallic Mining Consortium) are trying to influence the selection as well.  Little do most know that Minster of War Amos Timorssen has the support of the military and seeks to overthrown Robert before he passes.  
Demi-Humans: Dwarves, Gnomes, scattered groups of elves and half-elves.  Drow sneaking across the border from the south to wreck havoc. Orc tribes still control a number of mountain valleys that have not been civilized.
Magickal Devices: Flying Tower, Dreamspider Loom, and Lens of the Savants
Mountains:  The entire country is a tall mountain range.   The range drops precipitously into the Starfall/Mer Nor, with a minimum drop of 500 feet.  
Thumbnail Sketch:  Markovia holds the distinction that, like Agenmoor was once all forest, almost the entire country sits in the Markovian mountain range.  With Agenmoor to the south, Crosedes to the west, Ras-Prythax east, and the Mer Nor above, Markovia was known as the only guaranteed safe passage across the continent, that is, before the rebellion.

The mountains jut out of the Starfall Chanel and MerNor water at 500 feet high.  Unlike the fjords of Zieland and Wyrmnal, there are just about no safe spots for a settlement.  The only significant port is Dunzig, which has developed a legitimate harbor since the Kingdom was established. 

In 1045, Markovia was a Gran Duchy within the patchwork quilt of Ras-Prythax.  The death of Gran Duke Jacob Von Manhoffen was under mysterious circumstances, and the subsequent death of the Crown Prince, Hartwig, brought deep concerns that Ras-Prtyhax troops had been dispatched to delay the coronation of Jacob's sister, Gretchen.  Those troops were recalled before ever reaching the capital, due to the death of Krugraf Arnulf.  This power vacuum still forced Gretchen to delay her coronation, but when it did occur, she and her husband Edmund, were named Queen and King of Markovia, splitting away from the flimsy empire.  

Dwarves and humans work together to profit from the numerous mines within the mountains, yielding coal, iron, precious gems, and a host of other resources. They operated through city and regional guilds, which hold considerable influence throughout the countryside.

The demi-humans have assisted the Markovians with an ingenious water solution.  Dozens of windmills not the mountain ranges, operating pumps with draw water for the higher-altitude communities from freshwater lakes below.  It is quite the feat of engineering!

All the dwarves in Markovia have emigrated from Ras-Prythax over generations.  Ras-Prythax wanted to apply higher taxes, and the then-Gran Duke refused outright to collect any additional taxes.  According the Ras-Prythax legend, the dwarves "vanished" when in reality, they packed up, travelled underground to Markovian territory, and sealed up the passageways behind them. 

The Dwarven City of Ironkeep

Religion: After Gretchen's installation as Queen, there was an establishment of Nordic temples, churches, and shrines, most devoted to Wo-Tan and Freya, although the other gods of the pantheon have been known to have their devoted make an appearance. Akana is not the state religion, although many still practice, and all levels of government acknowledge the power and privilege of the 

Geography of Note:   Numerous rivers flow out of Markovia, but only the VerWillip flows into the country.  It flows in from Verbobonc in Ras-Prythax, runs parallel with the Mer Nor Road, and empties just east of Dunzig.   The Grimsong Clan is the largest clan of orcs still living in the Kingdom
  • The Jagged Crevasse of Greenfalls

Mentions of Markovia in the Blog:

NotesMarkovia fills in for Holland and most of Belgium on my Epic of Aearth map, except that it is truly mountainous terrain. Just take the traditional lowlands and make them more like the Alps.  Where the mountains meet the sea, imagine the Cliffs except instead of white and 350 foot tall, they are brown, rocky and 500 feet tall at a minimum, and climb much much higher into the mountains.  It (was) the safest way to travel from Ras-Prythax to Crosedes without dealing with the vile elves of Agenmoor, the deranged mages of Emron, or the machinations of the mad dwarf king in the center.

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