
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 16, 2021

(Painting) Gnome Sentries of the Great White North

We're still working on a varied and sundry list of minis on the painting bench, and today's are some Swiss Riflemen from Gnome Wars.  

Swiss Gnome w/ Blunderbuss, Standing, even though the rules state they're armed with Arquebus

These guys were actually painted by my daughter during one of the HMGS Hobby Universities. She managed to finish both, although the quality was less than stellar.  I figured I'd completely repaint them but retain Maja's color scheme.  These guys now beg the question, "Santa's Palace Guard" or simple Canadian Infantry?   

Regardless of whether these fellas are Canadian grunts or fighting for the big man, I'd use the standard rifle (arquebus) stat line from the Swiss, and replace the Swiss defender special rules with "Ignores all snow/ice terrain modifiers."  I'm tempted to cut off some Scottish Grenadier hands to make Canadian Maple Syrup Grenadiers, but that would be a waste of a national resource.

Next: The GSM Snipers, Wars of Ozz, and notorious Star Wars minis.

Project 350:  496 (324/172)  from 498 (325/173).  Still two Star Wars Actual Plays behind.  

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