
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 9, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Snipers, Part One

 This month's Gnomish Space Marines on the docket take a bit longer.  The latest pack pulled out of the "Pile o' Kickstarter" looked to be snipers, yet, when I looked at the Battle Valor website, this pack of six snipers is labelled as a generic "Commando Team"

Six dudes in ghillie suits with identical scoped armament aren't commandos, they're in graduating class from sniper school!  

I've decided to paint each one differently to cover a number of terrain scenarios.

Half of SCI-FI 116 Dwarf Commando Team

Out of the Space Dwarves from Battle Valor, this pack unfortunately goes to the bottom in terms of quality.   Flash is pretty non-existent, however there are parts of the figures, most notably the rifles, where the detail is inconsistent and even "blurry."  I'm by no means a great painter, but some lines deviated sharply from where they were supposed to go.

Desert Sniper

Urban Sniper

Winter Sniper 

Regardless, they're a welcome addition to the GSM, even if I'm not sure how to use all of them.

Planet 28 Stats:
GSM Sniper  (No Weapons - 150 pts) 
(Shooting 8, Fighting 3, Agility 7, Hit Points 20, Speed 10 cm, Slow, Iron Skin, Sniper, Climber,  Light Armor)

Sniper Rifle  (Cost 90)
(Damage 1d12+8, Range 60cm, Knock Back, Reload)

The optional Sniper Rifle from Alien Bounties and Callisto (Cost 75)
(Damage 3d6+2, Range 50cm, -1d4 to opponent's armor value if doubles or triples are rolled.)

Project 350: Creeping up to 498 (325/173)  from 497 (326/171). Not bad, considering Easter is a notorious time of year for accumulating new pictures for future holiday posts.  I'm behind on the Star Wars Actual Plays for two weeks, and of course, we need to get some games knocked off the queue. 

Next:  More snipers, some Gnome Wars gnomes, and some very special characters from Wars of Ozz.

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