
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 25, 2021

(Painting) Blue Martians of the Holy Fern

Even with glue dwindling, and the ladies in the house plotting some crazy party, I managed to complete the biggest single job of the year, a unit a Warhammer Night Goblin Archers, who are painted up to resemble primitive Blue Martians.
I picked up a decent pile of WFB goblins off of eBay on the cheap way back when the girls were babies.  They were always part of my Blue Martian plan... once I developed a Blue Martian plan.

These Blue Martians are part of the Order of the Holy Fern, fanatical cultists of the Martian Goddess Esut.

Leader of the Order, Gematt Hoektand
This gets me to a nice, even 150 miniatures painted in the last 9 months.  That's the third-most figures I've done in a 'gaming year' beaten only by 2016 (a lot of terrain) and 2014 (Painting the Samoan Civil War game from scratch).  I don't know if I'm completing any more "Martians" this year, but I probably could finish the wolf and spider riders in the shoebox, plus the other miscellany, and clear out shelf space for the set up the lead up in more manageable boxes.

Next:  Wars of Ozz and some quick 15mm fun.

Project 350:  486 (318/168) from 491 (321/170).  Fathers Day always clears some projects off the to-do pile, although I doubt much movement for July as I start to built and write out the topics for #RPGaDay2021.  Star Wars Actual Play backlog is down to three 

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