
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

(Planet 28) The Crew of the Placidity

I continue with statting out characters and warbands for Planet 28 with the first five members of  "The Crew" from Battle Valor Games.  I'm not a hardcore fan of the show or movie, and the traits and abilities don't match up as well as they would in, say GURPS, but I think they're accurate (and able to handle a few, but not many, "Space Cannibals" (also available through Battle Valor.  

For a few games of playing *pew-pew* with BattleDroids, Blue Martians, and entry-level Planetary Defense Gnomes, they're a good start.  There's got to be room for all the legendary bad-asses in the galaxy.

Fighting:  5 
Shooting:  6
Agility:     6
Speed:  10cm
Hit Points:  20
Traits/Abilities:  Persuade, Inspiring, Pilot 
Equipment:  Laser Pistol (1d8, range 25), No Armor (1d4-1)

Fighting:  6
Shooting:  7
Agility:     6
Speed:   10cm
Hit Points:  20
Traits/Abilities: Gunslinger, 
Equipment:  ShipSweeper (1d12+6, range 30, Knockback, Explosive, Reload)  

Fighting:  4
Shooting: 4
Agility:   8
Speed:  10cm
Hit Points:  20
Traits/Abilities: Inspiring,  Pilot
Equipment:  None

Fighting:   5
Shooting:  7
Agility:   6
Speed:   10 cm
Hit Points: 20
Traits/Abilities: Gunslinger, Sniper 
Equipment:  Heavy Rifle (1d12+6) Range 40cm ,- 2 to opps armor.  No armor (1d4-1)

Jewel, the Mechanic: (134)
Fighting:  3
Shooting: 4 
Agility:  6
Speed: 10cm
Hit Points:  20    
Traits/Abilities:  Engineer, Repair 
Equipment: Tool (1d4+3 melee)

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