
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

(Trogs Redux) #2 - Two New Adventurers Passing Through

Phinious Whistelteets, a half-elf bard of Riffilin blood, trying to live up to his merchant family standards. His charming personality was going to get him a number of enchanted and rare items in a deal with the prominent Nubian merchant in Verge. Of course, his fear of light war horses and his deadly allergy to cheese was proving problematic on this journey.

Arnold, another half-elf bard of far more considerable blandness

Froedrick Cobblepot, a Gnome Cleric of worshiping the halfing goddess Yondalla, made even more amusing by his ramblings on how the halflings "stole" the one true god from the Gnomish pantheon generations ago.

"Keebs," a Gnome Titan BattleMage, and frighteningly the only competent fighter in the group.

4th of HepDec 1142, Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos
Returning to Verge with the High Priest, Yuri, the party became minor celebrities. After days of celebration and recovery, Yuri called them to the temple.

"Clearing out the orcs only solves a short-term problem," the cleric explained, "Not only will someone, or something else filled that emptiness, but I know that there are deeper corridors, and if my short adventuring career taught me anything, it's that deepe corridors next further experience for young heroes."

Assuming the worst was further down in that cave, the party agreed to look for "fresh blood" to join the party ranks. Many favorable adventurers had come and gone while they agreed to help save Yuri, Only two new adventurers appeared far-more competent than when"Strom" showed up in town to help.
Clarkos Metropoulos, a retired Baronial Guard from the far northern Barony of Vadevicsny. His family was forced to join the resistance when Baron Gustav died and nefarious pretenders tried to ascend the throne.

During the War with the Master, humanoids armies overwhelmed Vadevicsny and it was the brave exploits of Governor-General Cecelia Darkspruce that finally vanquished the evil Baron Edric. Clarkos volunteered to join the Governor-General's expeditionary force. With the Barony safe, his family could finally return after many years. Clarkos served in the military with distinction, taking part in the invasion of Vlachia during the Black Eagle War, before earning his role in the true Barional Guard.
With his service fulfilled, he retired and decided to take a shot and become an adventurer. He arrived in Verge with a small backpack and the following items:
  • His voulge from his early days as a Guardsman
  • His ceremonial padded armor (treat as regular padded)
  • His chainmail coif 
  • A donkey name "Kimona"
A lengthy vetting process in the inn involving a number of rounds of drinks also pulled another tasty morsel: Clarkos was in possession of a document which proved ownership of a few acres of wilderness near the Village of Verge in southern Marakeikos. He wasn't interested in selling it off, rather trying trade for some valuable magic items.

Coming from Danaan, was Lorigaard Mooska, an adherent of Echelon, a Rogue God of the Sea with his philosophy of the Three-Pronged Trident of Life.

Lorigaard brought little to the operation, besides her clerical healing, a pack goat name "Little Octavius," and Pietro the Pigeon. She also made unsubstantiated claims that she could influence and control most animals. That could be an advantageous thing, but concept of Clarkos' pole arm and her mighty Trident in the lower dungeon seemed most advantageous.

Next: #3 - The Tomb of Petrides

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