
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Fluxx and Unicorns - the OG (Original Games) are much better, discuss.

 I am certainly a few years short of becoming the "Get off my lawn" guy, less the Clint Eastwood firearms.  Nostalgia has certainly skewed some perceptions, but sometimes, I'm completely in the right. 

My old man rant this week.  Original (or Early) versions of card games are better than the licensed, expanded edtions.  

I had the good fortune to play some games with Millie this week, and I was shocked at the newer editions.  

I adore original Fluxx, it's basic concept is so simple that the explosion in rules, and ever-changing victory conditions makes it a winner, even if you losing.  But with Millie, we were playing the Marvel Superheroes edition.  Gone are the Creepers from middle iterations, but now there's these overtly wordy cards throwing a monkey wrench in resolution, and "Draw 3 and use 2 of Them" is complicated enough for most games.

We also play Llamas Unleashed, an expansion/stand alone game for Unstable Unicorns.  I love the concept of Unicorns, and perhaps it was bad shuffling, but I did not enjoy the expansion of Goats, Alpacas, and Rams.  

This is nothing new.  I'm much happier with Original Apples to Apples, rather than the dozen minor variations, the big "adult" variations. (Cards Against Humanity, or any theme deck made to capture the essence of the game.  "Fluffy" and "Hiroshima 1945" still make me laugh, no matter what the other options are.

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