
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 14, 2021

(Painting) Egyptian Terrain and Jar-Jar's Cousin's Former Roommate

We got hit with 3 inches of rain on Tuesday night, even with double pumps, the ground is too... squishy to properly drain the water.  

While I'm systemically going through at least three projects on the bench, the only thing I've gotten off finish were a few random out of production Egyptian pieces from the Sands of Egypt line from Windsword.Accesories
The other items I finished was a random WotC Gungan.  I don't remember how I procured this guy, probably some clearance or flea market, but he's officially off the lead pile.
Gungan Scout WOC 40066

Pondering Gamma World - I don't list pdfs on my gaming purchases list, but I did grab the 4th Edition Gamma World rules for $9.99 off of DriveThruRPG.   ZineQuest products made me look at playing a game for the girls.  

Next:  Blue Martians, Gnomish Space Marines, and one more individual figure would finish up my goals for May, but that's easier said than done.  

Project 350: 494 (326/168)from 498 (327/171).  Some soul-draining drafts are finally getting completed and will see the light of day shortly.  I'm still behind on Star Wars Actual Plays, and balancing paint time versus writing time is proving problematic (Let's not even talk about gaming time). 

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