
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 21, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Lasgun Squad

The kid's crazy AAU schedule, mixed with a critical last week to launch a new system at work should equate to zero time to paint, but I managed some relaxing time at the painting bench.  

I finish my requirement to paint up a pack/squad of troops for my Gnomish Space Marines with a Lasgun Squad, secretly Space Dwarf Rifle Squad from Battle Valor Games.   

SCI-FI 115 Space Dwarf Rifle Squad (5

The lasguns give them a more classic Squat look, but the barrels are long and narrow, and a few are weakened enough that they'll snap off sooner than later.  

I'm happy I ordered them, but it does compound my situation.  I pledged to the Battle Valor 15mm Baggage Trains Kickstarter in order to gain access to the BV back catalog at a substantial discount.  With my backlog on my lead pile, I might focus on more support weapons and the squads with SMGs. 

Average Gnomish Space Marine Lasgun Auxiliary (125pts)
While the Gnomish Space Marines are the bread and butter, there are certain recruits who do not pass muster to join their ranks. Lacking a certain tenaciousness, trainers focus the majority these failed recruits on the range and organize them into lasgun auxiliary detachments.  A weapon with a longer range gives them tremendous advantage, but woe be to the squad that falls within melee of their enemies. 
Shooting: 6 
Fighting:  4
Agility: 4
Hit Points: 20
Speed:  10cm
Slow (-1d6 Move) Iron Skin (+1d4 armor), Light Armor, Laser Rifle 

Next:  Gnome Artillery for the Eleven Sand Seas of Nevaho, Blue Martian Cultists, and the next string of GSM is prepped.  I still have five packs of figures (and possibly three tanks) to finish my initial BV Kickstarter, and then Space Gnomes take a backseat to Pulp Cthulhu, back to Gnomes riding Quads, and finally some Legions of Steel.  I'm still confident that I can fill one of my Chesses cases full of new figures before October. 

Project 350: 494 (327/167) from 494 (326/168) .  With an off-week for basketball, I'm striving for a game and some focus on catching up on my Star Wars Actual Plays. However, I also have tentative live testing of the new system at some point over the weekend before it goes live for the general employees on Monday.  

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