
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 17, 2021

(Painting) Missile Tanks of the Transnistrian Scientific Republic

Despite my ambitious best intentions, I knew the summer was not going to be conducive to major painting projects, so I kept those on the table, and tried to dabble with other figures to either "cleanse the palette" or find some new inspiration.  I didn't get much accomplished, but it was nice to see a few more OGRE Miniatures out of the bins and painted up.   

I know there's a lot of variety paint up the Combine and PanEuro units, but things are far more interesting if you consider Rogue States fighting against PanEuropean domination (and each other), or the proper Balkanization that occurs after the Last War and the creation of the Factory States.  

Through it all Transnistria existed, in some form or another.  Its steel and energy production was subsidized by numerous factions as the warring states joined forces, and was left relatively intact during the Last War.  This allowed for the construction of a Missile Tank Factory within its narrow borders. 

As the world powers began to disintegrate, Transnistrian leaders used their power grid to maintain a disappearing commodity:  knowledge.  While vast banks of servers are still underground, the newly renamed Transnistrian Scientific Republic used its decades of experience moving illegal arms and converted it to selling knowledge, both intelligence and straight-up technical know-how. 
These are the plastic Missile Tanks coming from the first OGRE plastic minis Kickstarter.  

I had a different paint scheme planned for them, but the work involved was just too much for 1/285 scale models.  I've saved the article and will use the technique on my third, maybe even fourth Hultr halftracks. 

Project 350:
  The decline continues, thanks to catching up from #RPGaDay and my aborted vacation.  A drop to 486 (313/173)  from 490 (316/174)

Next: My Gaming Year is winding down, and work is heating up fast, might try to improve upon some more OGRE minis, or just recap the last year and plan out for 2021-22.

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