
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #1 - That Damn Laroc Sniksab

Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evum - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission
Frozzack - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle.

The mission was simple, meet with previous client Laroc Sniksab to discuss obtaining a Diluthian Drop Bear. Definitely not legal, but full discussion of compensation. Ne'vets' team would be responsible for getting one directly, rather than use one the big game hunters or other connections everyone had.  The meeting was on the planet Telos, an urban, but still backwater planet.  Telos was under Galactic Empire control, but day-to-day functions were relegated to the Planetary Authority, which easily tolerated illegal activities without prying Imperial oversight.
A Diluthian Drop Bear
Ne'vets arranged to arrive by passenger ship with his crew.  The rendezvous with an illicit cargo would use a  freighter, but for business purposes, Aharo preferred the leisure and protection of Imperial passenger ships, especially since this route was beset with pirates.

Ne'vets set up the meeting for a back room at a public place, standard operating procedure for these meetings.  What wasn't standard was Laroc arriving before them.  They had brought seven others to oversee the negotiations.

The whole meeting was a double-cross. Laroc's men had weapons pointed the moment the door shut, leaving Aharo's group flat-footed.  Despite delivering on the goods from the last transaction, a Gungan Baby Kraken, Laroc was not satisfied and demanded a partial refund, namely the large number of credits they were carrying for future transactions, and leaving them on this backwater planet.

Laroc's men did not anticipate Evus getting the jump on them. Two of the escorts were dead from blaster rifle fire before anyone could hit the dirt.

Tarrie grabbed a pitcher of water on the table and splashed the others with a quick, "No refunds, no returns," grabbing hold of Ne'vets and the Wookie and ran out of the room into a more public place.

It turned into a running gun fight through the streets as the crew desperately searched for a safe spot to lay low. Laroc's men kept within sight, even running through a crowded market. Neither side worried about civilians as they fired wildly at each other.

Evus and Tarrie's shots only succeeded at knocking down tents, removing cover for their escape.

With signs of the planetary police force coming to intervene (probably paid off by Laroc) Ne'vets made a fateful realization that the safest place was the Imperial-run spaceport and a cruiser off-planet.. and the spaceport (and the last ship out for the night) closed in mere minutes....

GM Notes: Wildly shooting into a market isn't a good thing for the force-sensitive, or anyone else really.  And awaaaaay we go!

Next: #2 - Going Off-World

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