
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #2 - The Slow Boat to Botajef

Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle.

Trying to escape from the thugs of Laroc Niksab (see Episode #1), the running gunfight moved through the local evening market, knocking down tents, tipping over Space Fruit carts, and setting things ablaze.  With the Taris-3 Planetary Police Force coming to intervene, Ne'vets decided it was best to reach the Imperial-governed starport and get off-planet.

On the way, a few more carts were flipped in the way of the thugs.  Evus had the misfortune of grabbing the wrong cart, precious pottery or trinkets went scattering, and he was assaulted by the old lady manning the stand.

Once the doors of the spaceport closed behind them, and they were in Imperial jurisdiction, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Ne'vets waved credentials to two stormtroopers who were more concerned about proper paperwork for the Wookie.

The sheer presence of the Wookie was enough to distract the stormtroopers from noticing Frokazza carrying a very-illegal bowcaster.  Ne'vets led them over to a wall shelf to review credentials, giving Frokazza enough time to break down the bowcaster into a piece of luggage the size of a briefcase.

As the next set of doors into the facility let them in and close behind them, the ruckus of thugs and Planetary Police erupted in the streets.

There was one ship left to depart.  Destination: Botajef, through the Imperial Passenger Liner Hyrkania.

"Botajef is far enough away.  I'll take four."

Ne'vets paid for the tickets and weapons checked were checked as secure luggage (save the briefcase bowcaster).

Frokazza was the only one to realize that the Hyrkania took a local route to Botajeff, off the main hyperlanes.  It planned on stopping at every rinky-dink planet with a docking station.  In his conversations with the others, only Ne'vets understood this would take so unbearably long.  The others came to an understanding when they were assigned two-bed cabins to stow any equipment.

Safely on the ship, Tarrie finally asked the big question?  What do we know now?   Botajeff was a star-hub, two hyperlanes intersecting each other, so you could easily catch better transportation to wherever they needed to go.  Ne'vets would make some contacts.

Tarrie went up to the bridge, and with some friendly banter, got access inside. Some of the crew protested, but were quickly quieted by the Captain.

"Why are we we letting him on here?  We don't let baby Jawas on here.  Especially baby Jawas."

He got a quick tour from Captain Reyrod Numel, a semi-retired Imperial Officer, all in front of a backdrop of the hyperspace.

Too many prying eyes prevented Tarrie from dickering around the astrogation system, and by that time, Frokazza finally caught up to Tarrie on the bridge.  The appearance of a Wookie on the bridge cut the visit short.

Evus got some free time from Ne'vets and wandered the common areas.  He grabbed an egg salad sandwich out of the automat replicator.

As soon as everyone gets settled, the Hyrkania pulled out of Hyperspace and made a stop at an orbiting spaceport, dumping a handful of travelers.  A few more people, the "salt of the planet" get on.

Ne'vets finally made some headway with his "legitimate" exotic safari hunters. Abel Norrum, a stylized big game hunter, was actually in this sector, and was scheduled to be on the planet Hijano, one quick jump from Botatjeff.    He was very vague, but there might be opportunity to get out of the sector, and some adventure while they were at it. 

Another stop, and by then, gambling in the common room seemed to be the right activity until it was time to wander back to everyone's rooms.  

Sometime in the middle of the night, Frokazza was awoken to some commotion in the hallway.  He nudged Tarrie awake and looked out the door.  There were two men who didn't seem like passengers, beating one of the obvious passengers with batons.  Blaster shots could be heard in the distance.  With his boots dropped by the doorway, Tarrie immediately started to scuffle with one of the baton-wielding men that was a scrap involving many dodges, parries, and counters.

Frokazza grabbed his foe by the throat and slammed him into the wall, killing him instantly.  

Tarrie's scuffles were not as quick, as the guy immediately saw the fate of his friend and struggled loose, quickly dashing down the hall, and further down a side passage.

At this time, Evus and Ne'vets woke up and popped their heads out of their cabin door.  They spied the elderly couple sharing the cabin between theirs and Tarrie's, wandering in the middle of the hall, waving further down the hall, and ultimately getting gunned down.

When they popped their heads back out, the murderers were gone, so they decided to investigate further.

Another human operative was herding five or six passengers up the nearby side passage. Evus caught him off guard, allowing the passengers the chance to flee.  While Evus did most of the work, Frokazza came in at the end in a fury of blows and finished him off.

Down the side passageway, there were three individuals: one with a baton, the other two with blaster rifles.  Evus was caught flat-footed in the T-intersection with that side passage.  Fortunately,  blaster fire wildly missed.  He picked up a baton lying in the hallway and ran back to Ne'vets and Tarrie.

Blaster fire from every direction echoed through the entire cabins area.  While Aharo's crew were dashing to the front of the ship, others could be heard getting gunned down.  

All the while, Frokazza was stuck behind his friends.  He needed to run back and grab his bowcaster briefcase. from his room.   Snatching that, and quickly ending an encounter with a lone brigand, he dove across a hallway to meet up with his friends, dodging fire each step of the way.  His clumsy attempt at a somersault ended up with him sitting on his rear, unable to defend himself.  The first blaster rifle shot missed, but the second was a deadshot to a man, knocking him out.

It bode poorly for our "heroes"...

GM Notes:  Let the Wookie win, unless you're holding a blaster rifle.  As we continue to get warmed up, the first step was to work out some melee combat with some unskilled pirates with generic stats.  It was intended to be easy, but throw a Wookie in the mix, things are decidedly not fair.   

Also not fair is a clumsy Wookie trying to roll to avoid fire.  Perhaps "hiding" against the wall and drawing one of the scumbags with rifles should have been his tactics, but it is session #2.  Give them all time, even if Frokazza was fleeting.


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