
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, June 13, 2021

(Gnome Wars) Gnomincus


Pax Gnomana  Gnomish Peace – a period of time when peace extended throughout the Gnomian empire.

Gaius Julius Gnomanius -  Most famous Gnomian general and later, after an extended civil war, was appointed dictator for life.  Ended the Gnomian Republic, and his successors were known as emperors.
Gnomanius’s Commentaries also known as The Anuran Wars.  Famous account of Gnomanius’s campaigns against the Anuran (Frog) tribes. 

Leptodactylidii, Hylidii, Ranidai, and Kermitii  Some of the major Anuran tribes that opposed Gnomanius and the Gnomian Empire.

Heritagii   Anuran tribe that allied itself early one to the Gnomians.  It provided a large contingent of Gnomian trained auxiliaries to the Gnomian army.  Many of these auxiliaries units later switched sides to fight against their Gnomian employers during the Great Anuran Rebellion led by Queen Bulfrogdicca.  Heritagii units were used in great numbers by both sides during the Civil War.

Ichthii  Aquatic (fish) tribes often allied to the Anura to form the Amphibian Confederation.

Saurii  Highly aggressive tribes of lizardmen who were generally hostile towards the Gnomian Empire and Amphibian Confederation.  However, some tribes for brief periods served as allies for both nations.  Saurian tribes banded together to form the Saurian Empire.  It was a true empire in name only.  It really was a collection of united Saurian tribes instead of one united empire under a single leader. Some of the most powerful Saurian tribes included the Chamaeleonidii, Crotaphytidii, Iguanidii, and Polychrotidii.  Although technically part of the Saurii, the group of tribes known as the Alethinophidii (Snakemen) were not part of the Saurian Empire and were generally feared and distrusted by all.

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