
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, June 3, 2021

(Kickstarter) The Hammer and the Stake by Chris Gunning

There are plenty of Kickstarters that don't succeed/don't succeed well enough due to poor planning, poor communication, or uninspiring artwork.  

The Hammer and the Stake by Chris Gunning has no problems with artwork.  It's cover piece won me over automatically. 

The concept and the crowdfunding campaign aren't too shabby either. 

From the Kickstarter:
The Hammer and the Stake is a new stand-alone tabletop roleplaying game set in an alternate history where marginalized Eastern European socialists fight against the depredations of fascist vampiric un-dead. The game's core mechanic focuses on player cooperation and wagering to overcome obstacles. The game was created by 5-time Ennie Award winner, Chris Gunning, who wrote for Delta Green, Vampire: the Masquerade, City of Mist, Hellas, and Tribe 8!

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