
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 18, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Special Weapon Squad

More stuff from the great Gnomish Space Marine project is off the painting bench and into a comfy Chessex case.  

Back in March I competed the Heavy Weapon Squad, which is armed with slightly different weapons than the Special Weapon Squad.

But this one has two varieties of shotguns!

I always appreciate yellow highlights on purple or red.

The other weapons are close cousins to the Plasma Gun/Projectors from the Heavy Support, but I guess they could be proportionate Heavy Bolters as well?

Regardless, it was good to return to Seraphim Sepia and (albeit off) sponge battle damage, and fun with my daughter's orange glitter paint for the visors.  She steals my paint all the time, it was a good time to return the favor. 
Blue helmets refer to support figures, although I have no lore to determine visor color...

Next: I'm four or five packs away from completing the last Battle Valor Kickstarter, which is pretty impressive.  Of course, I just got confirmation yesterday that the latest BattleValor Kickstarter should arrive Monday. And Sally 4th's Kickstarter has shipped. And Reaper just initiated US Shipping for Bones 5.  

No rest for the wicked....

Also, detailing another Hultr Halftrack for the GSM, and learning the only thing worse than block painting a large unit, is detailing the same unit. 

Project 350:  A slight uptick to 491 outstanding drafts/posts (321/170) from 488 (320/168).  Mostly placeholders for upcoming Kickstarters, a few project ideas, and finishing up old Star Wars actual plays, with four still to be finished,  and prepping out the next few episodes.  

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