
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 2, 2021

(Painting) Hultr Half-Track Numero Dos From Mantic

Progress on the Gnomish Space Marines has been pleasingly slow and steady this year.  I officially emptied my the last few minis the earlier Battle Valor Kickstarter onto the painting bench to make room for new Battle Valor campaign, the Sally 4th Able Company one, and the few items I snagged from the Reaper Bones V campaign.  

This isn't even all of the GSM stuff painted up, Battle Valor and others.

More impressive to me is that I'm halfway through the quartet of Hultr Half-Tracks from Mantic that I picked up for a steal.

I also re-finished a ladder for one of the Middle Eastern buildings I picked up pre-COVID and painted up a dollar store tombstone to add to my ever-growing portable cemetery. 

Next: The July projects are pretty simple:  Five "individual" figures and a project simply labelled "Transitrian Armor."  Let's see if fun ensues.

Project 350:   A minor blip staying at 486 (317/169) from  486 (318/168) .  I start the Project 350 hiatus for a few weeks off as I assemble and produce the #RPGaDay2021 questions for each day in August.  Next report will be be after my cruise in September. 

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